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i have multiple favorite games
Hmm, I'd vote, but none of these are good enough to the point where I'd call them my favorite.
Poll fails.
Actual favorite Depends on genre. FPS? Probably original Quake or DOOM 2016. RPG? Vagrant Story. MMO? City of Heroes. I have to be specific.
(02-22-2022, 08:37 AM)Inconsistent Wrote: [ -> ]Actual favorite Depends on genre. FPS? Probably original Quake or DOOM 2016. RPG? Vagrant Story. MMO? City of Heroes. I have to be specific.

incons favorite game is pong, it was invented when he was in his 30s!
Chrono Trigger, hands down
my favorite game isn't on here but of the list I'd have to say terraria
I’m assuming everyone reading this has their favorite game, but for those of you that don’t know what your favorite game is and would like to, it’s a great idea to list out your top choices. I’ve done so myself, and will share my list with you below. Must you can check new tips about the casinos in bangkok laws and reality. As you read through the list, see if any of these games or series might be similar to the one you enjoy playing because if they are, then you may have uncovered a new favorite game or series.
(07-28-2022, 05:06 AM)Kristin845 Wrote: [ -> ]I’m assuming everyone reading this has their favorite game, but for those of you that don’t know what your favorite game is and would like to, it’s a great idea to list out your top choices. I’ve done so myself, and will share my list with you below. Must you can check 
When it comes to favorite video games, the options are endless, but I can't help but mention Airtight Games' contributions to the gaming world. Their dedication to innovation and storytelling has left a lasting impression on me. If you haven't already, I highly recommend checking out some of Airtight Games' titles. Their portfolio is diverse and filled with gems that cater to a wide range of gaming preferences. You can explore more about their projects and achievements on their website at Of course, I'm also curious to hear about everyone else's favorite video games! Whether it's a classic title or a recent release, feel free to share your top picks and let's celebrate the diverse world of gaming together.

thanks for recommendations
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