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Full Version: Improvements Needed on Mobile
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My favorite thing about OS is how easy it is to share songs I've made. Just copy the permanent link and it's done. Could not be any simpler. Unfortunately, a constant problem I come across is people struggling to play my music on their phones. For whatever reason it gets stuck loading sounds and the song won't play no matter how long they wait. I've never had this problem on my phone, but the grand majority of people I've talked to can't play any song on their phones.

What I'm suggesting is that something needs to be done about opening OS on mobile and getting stuck loading sounds. Even though a direct link to the song is provided. Otherwise, if some work around is known or some other solution has been provided, I'd appreciate someone letting me know. I've tried finding a work around myself and nothing I did has any consistent results.
Mobile devices often cant even run OS songs
get them to download the damn songs then
(08-11-2022, 07:00 PM)KarambitFlix Wrote: [ -> ]get them to download the damn songs then

Is there a way to download songs on mobile? The "Download MIDI" button on PC gives a 404 error, so that doesn't work, and there's even less options on mobile.
(08-11-2022, 06:59 PM)Lopyt Wrote: [ -> ]Mobile devices often cant even run OS songs

Which makes no sense to me! I've never had an issue playing OS songs on my phone, yet the majority of people I've shared songs with say to me "I can't get it to work on my phone." I thought it might be a mobile browser thing, but it's not. Chrome on my phone and Chrome on somebody else's phone don't provide the same results. I have yet to meet somebody else who also has had no issue playing OS songs on their phone.
If you don't have asuper high end phone then you probably wont be able to run sequences
Let me say this very clearly:
The Online Sequencer website is not made for mobile. I wish they have an app but the developers aren't ready for an app like this.
(08-11-2022, 06:59 PM)Lopyt Wrote: [ -> ]Mobile devices often cant even run OS songs

My iPad can and it's pretty good at running songs. Also, I got a way to download songs on my iPad if it can't run (I did it to Ton of the Drink 2).
Lopyt & KarambitFlix:
It's very hard to download OS songs to mobile but I got a way to do this.
0. Make sure you have the iCloud app.
1. click download MIDI on PC.
2. Move the song to a file compatible with an iOS device.
3. Wait a bit.
4. Check your iOS device (either an iPhone or iPad) and play it.
(08-10-2022, 11:45 AM)Jurmicc Wrote: [ -> ]My favorite thing about OS is how easy it is to share songs I've made. Just copy the permanent link and it's done. Could not be any simpler. Unfortunately, a constant problem I come across is people struggling to play my music on their phones. For whatever reason it gets stuck loading sounds and the song won't play no matter how long they wait. I've never had this problem on my phone, but the grand majority of people I've talked to can't play any song on their phones.

What I'm suggesting is that something needs to be done about opening OS on mobile and getting stuck loading sounds. Even though a direct link to the song is provided. Otherwise, if some work around is known or some other solution has been provided, I'd appreciate someone letting me know. I've tried finding a work around myself and nothing I did has any consistent results.

You need a pretty fast phone to run OS songs at all. My samsung s21 struggles to play any of my more recent songs.  Another important thing is that online sequencer does not work at all in safari web browser.  I have found with some of my friends that even in google chrome, OS will not make any sound on an iPhone.  Haven't had any issues playing songs on samsung phones though, other than them being too slow to keep up.
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