I'm currently working on a cover of Victory from FNF Vs Impostor V4, as well as Finale and Sussus Toogus. If anyone could pitch in some collaborative efforts with these covers, that would be appreciated.
]Victory (Vocals, WIP) - Online Sequencer[/url] (Victory instruments | Flute for Warchief, Harpsichord for Jelqer, Pizzicato for Jorsawsee, Elec Piano for BF)
]Finale (Vocals, MAJORLY W.I.P) - Online Sequencer[/url] (Finale instruments | Slap Bass for Black, Elec Piano for BF)
]Finale (Inst, MAJORLY W.I.P) - Online Sequencer[/url] (Up to your own interpretation)
]Sussus Toogus V4 (WIP) - Online Sequencer[/url] (SS TG intruments | Jazz Guitar for Green, Elec Piano for BF, inst is up to your own interpretation)