02-02-2022, 05:37 PM
(09-28-2021, 10:21 AM)Liam Wrote: A better suggestion might be to fix that midi import bug
Anyway, you can do this with the JS console. Select the notes you want to dedupe (in your case you can just select the whole song), run the code below in the JS console (open the console with ctrl+shift+J on chrome), and it will select all the duplicate notes in the selection. I made it just select the dupe notes, rather than immediately deleting them, so that you can make sure it detected the dupes correctly.
let s=new Set();let t=new Set();for(const n of selection.notes) {let k=n.toString(0);if(t.has(k)){s.add(n);}else{t.add(k);}};selectNotesIf(n=>s.has(n));
oh wow! thanks! this really helps me!