07-13-2019, 02:13 AM
Big update. I've added more and now there's a ending so I can record the song when it's done.
Mystic Collection
07-13-2019, 02:13 AM
Big update. I've added more and now there's a ending so I can record the song when it's done. [url=]Test280_V1_1174613_WIP[/url]
07-13-2019, 04:03 PM
[url=]Test280_V1_1174613_WIP[/url] Test 280 WIP-9b is recorded and uploaded at SoundCloud SoundCloud - test280_v1_1174613_wip-9b
07-15-2019, 02:04 AM
Failure at the 2019 July Monthly Contest I forgot about a rule I can create a new song if there is enough time but I wonder if it is possible to reset the current song and try again.
Beta instruments, as I know it works in Firefox Open new sequence, then the console: ctrl+shift+i Add the code below and press enter insts=[]; for(i=0;i<instrumentSelect.length;i++) { insts.push(parseInt(instrumentSelect[i].value)) } for(i=0;i<settings.instrumentColors.length;i++) { if(!insts.includes(i)) { var opt = document.createElement("option"); opt.value = i; opt.text = settings.instruments[i]; instrumentSelect.add(opt); } } Then close the console. Now the beta instuments should be in the drop down menu. Good luck! There's however no effects or volumes sliders for the beta instruments but I hope they will fix it one day. My very first song with 808 drums ##545428 And this plus one or two more ##560996 Credits to korwynkim and others who told me the "secret" Also you can use offline-os.glitch.me since a long time now where you do not have to add any code. However, if you want to update an existing song here at Online Sequencer you still need to use the code of course Or save a local file and drag it to offline-os.glitch.me, then save a new local file there and drag it to OS...
07-16-2019, 01:55 PM
Added to Inspired by famous songs 2019-07-18 [url=]Inspired_14_1183029_WIP[/url] Parody of Elvis Presley's - Love Me Tender
Added to Inspired by famous songs 2019-07-20 [url=]Inspired_15_1184122_WIP[/url] Bare Necessities from The Jungle Book I'm however inspired of the swedish version https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yv1ajIZe83c
07-22-2019, 07:46 PM
Added to Inspired by famous songs 2019-07-19 [url=]Inspired_16_1183763_WIP[/url] I don't know where this song came from |
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