01-30-2019, 02:30 AM
The chat box automatically scrolls to the bottom whenever somebody sends a message to it. It is a great inconvenience if I am reading previous messages higher up in the box and then the auto-scroll happens, which thus prevents me from reading the particular message. The issue is not so bad if somebody is sending a message once per half-minute; it is troublesome when people are consecutively sending messages. If I hold the scroll bar at the place where I want to read message, I can keep my place where I want to read; the auto-scroll still happens, but in about 0.2 of a second I go back to my held place (thankfully and fortunately), until somebody sends another message, and then this scenario repeats. This problem is not a bug, but it is troublesome nonetheless. Here is my proposed solution (ahem): include a check-box in the chat-box; this check-box would alternately enable and disable the auto-scroll feature. Simple. The auto-scroll feature is nice and useful, until I need to read previous chats in the chat-box (though I could look through chat logs, though I need to refresh the page to see new messages, and then I would need to switch to the chat-box to send a message, and then go back to the chat logs if need be, etc. etc.). The requested feature is needfully useful during high chat usage; otherwise, not so much. I would really like this feature to be added.
Gex. There is no substitute.