Perhaps a subscription thing, to know when user updates a song in the Featured list (this would only be positive if it didn't show how many subscriptions have been made.
Mixtapes would be cool, and efficient. You could categorize your music to be easier to navigate and therefore easier to understand
Maybe a genre specification when you save a song? This way you could find and listen to your favorite genres easier. Some possible genres could be Jazz, Classical, Metal, Rock, EDM, Pop, Hip Hop, Other, and Ambient/Avant Garde
Mixtapes would be cool, and efficient. You could categorize your music to be easier to navigate and therefore easier to understand
Maybe a genre specification when you save a song? This way you could find and listen to your favorite genres easier. Some possible genres could be Jazz, Classical, Metal, Rock, EDM, Pop, Hip Hop, Other, and Ambient/Avant Garde