(I'm sorry if this is a duplicate post, but I can't find the original anywhere and since I posted it during the server move I just assume something went wrong)
There is one gesture in OS that has always bothered me, if you place a note and hold down your left mouse button, it moves the note. I think it would be a lot easyer and quicker to make holding change the sustain lenght of a note, with the amazing new sustain instruments being added I think it's an amazing combo and it would make working with them a heck of a lot faster.
I hope this gets thought about Jacob
There is one gesture in OS that has always bothered me, if you place a note and hold down your left mouse button, it moves the note. I think it would be a lot easyer and quicker to make holding change the sustain lenght of a note, with the amazing new sustain instruments being added I think it's an amazing combo and it would make working with them a heck of a lot faster.
I hope this gets thought about Jacob