I'm a South Carolinian who has been playing guitar since I was 5, and discovered Online Sequencer when one of my friends showed it to me. I use a Chromebook, so many of my sequences aren't that long otherwise it won't load the save. My first sequence, Rock to Trinidad and Tobago was a big project and crashed when I tried to load it. There is an incomplete section because of this. Let me know if I have accidentally copied an existing sequence/song, as well as any ideas of what to do next!
Also please message me/comment on the song before you recreate a song/remix of mine. I spend lots of time on sequences, and it is upsetting when someone takes your work for their own. Please let me know, as this has happened several times. I have had a misunderstanding with my message before. I don't want that to happen again, so please notify me before. Thank you!