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ISO 3951-4:2011 Part 4: Procedures for assessment of declared quality levels
ISO 3951-5:2006 Part 5: Sequential sampling plans indexed by acceptance quality limit (AQL) for inspection by variables (known standard deviation)
ISO 3952 Kinematic diagrams – Graphical symbols
ISO 3952-1:1981 (Motion of links of mechanisms; Kinematic pairs; Links and connections of their components; Linkage of bars and their links)
ISO 3952-2:1981 (Friction and gear mechanisms; Cam mechanisms)
ISO 3952-3:1979 (Maltese and ratchet mechanisms; Couplings and brakes)
ISO 3952-4:1984 (Miscellaneous mechanisms and their components)
ISO 3953:2011 Metallic powders — Determination of tap density
ISO 3954:2007 Powders for powder metallurgical purposes — Sampling
ISO 3955:1977 Sintered metal materials, excluding hardmetals — Sampling [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO/TR 3956:1975 Principles of structural fire-engineering design with special regard to the connection between real fire exposure and the heating conditions of the standard fire-resistance test (ISO 834)
ISO 3957 Reaction to fire tests — Façades — Measurement of heat and smoke generation in severe exterior fire scenarios [Under development; originally planned ISO 3957 Graphic symbols — Index, survey, and compilation of the single sheets became ISO 7000]
ISO 3958:1996 Passenger cars — Driver hand-control reach
ISO 3959:1977 Green bananas — Ripening conditions
ISO 3960:2017 Animal and vegetable fats and oils — Determination of peroxide value — Iodometric (visual) endpoint determination
ISO 3961:2018 Animal and vegetable fats and oils — Determination of iodine value
ISO 3962:1977 Materials and equipment for petroleum and natural gas industries — Tool joints for steel drill pipe for oil or natural gas wells [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 3963:1977 Fertilizers — Sampling from a conveyor by stopping the belt
ISO 3964:2016 Dentistry — Coupling dimensions for handpiece connectors
ISO 3965:1990 Agricultural wheeled tractors — Maximum speeds — Method of determination
ISO 3966:2020 Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits – Velocity area method using Pitot static tubes
ISO 3967 Petroleum products – Determination of density and relative density – Bingham pyknometer method [Rejected draft]
ISO 3968:2017 Hydraulic fluid power — Filters — Evaluation of differential pressure versus flow
ISO 3969:1979 Shipbuilding — Inland vessels — Operational documentation
ISO 3970:1977 Modular units for machine tool construction — Integral way columns — Floor-mounted type
ISO 3971:1977 Rice milling — Symbols and equivalent terms [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 3972:2011 Sensory analysis — Methodology — Method of investigating sensitivity of taste
ISO 3973:1996 Living animals for slaughter — Vocabulary — Bovines [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 3974:1977 Definitions of living animals for slaughter — Ovines
ISO 3975:1977 Definitions of living animals for slaughter — Horses [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 3976:2006 Milk fat — Determination of peroxide value
ISO 3977 Gas turbines – Procurement
ISO 3978:1976 Aluminium and aluminium alloys — Determination of chromium — Spectrophotometric method using diphenylcarbazide, after extraction
ISO 3979:1977 Aluminium and aluminium alloys — Determination of nickel — Spectrophotometric method using dimethylglyoxime [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 3980:1977 Aluminium and aluminium alloys — Determination of copper — Atomic absorption spectrophotometric method
ISO 3981:1977 Aluminium and aluminium alloys — Determination of nickel — Atomic absorption spectrophotometric method
ISO 3982 Chemical analysis of aluminum and its alloys — Complexometric determination of mangesium [Rejected draft]
ISO 3983:1977 Cereals and cereal products — Determination of alpha-amylase activity — Colorimetric method [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 3984:2004 Road vehicles — Rear moving barrier impact test procedure [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO/TR 3985:2021 Biotechnology — Data publication — Preliminary considerations and concepts [originally planned ISO 3985 was a rejected draft with an unknown name]
ISO 3986 Petroleum products — Lubricating wax — Determination of cone penetration [Rejected draft]
ISO 3987:2010 Petroleum products — Determination of sulfated ash in lubricating oils and additives
ISO 3988 Determination of Spontaneous ignition temperature [Rejected draft]
ISO 3989 Measurement of airborne noise emitted by compressor units including prime movers [Rejected draft]
ISO 3990 Dentistry — Evaluation of antibacterial activity of dental restorative materials, luting cements, fissure sealants and orthodontic bonding or luting materials [Under development; originally planned ISO 3990 was Modular co-ordination — Sizes for co-ordinating lengths and widths of openings in the horizontal plane]
ISO 3991 Agricultural machinery — Robotic feed systems — Safety [Under development; originally planned ISO 3991 was Modular co-ordination — Sizes for co-ordinating heights of openings in the vertical plane]
ISO 3992 Petroleum waxes — Determination of needle penetration [Rejected draft]
ISO 3993:1984 Liquefied petroleum gas and light hydrocarbons — Determination of density or relative density — Pressure hydrometer method
ISO 3994:2014 Plastics hoses — Helical-thermoplastic-reinforced thermoplastics hoses for suction and discharge of aqueous materials — Specification
ISO 3995:1985 Metallic powders — Determination of green strength by transverse rupture of rectangular compacts
ISO 3996:1995 Road vehicles — Brake hose assemblies for hydraulic braking systems used with non-petroleum-base brake fluid
ISO 3997 Bitumen and bituminous binders – Determination of needle penetration [Rejected draft]
ISO 3998:1977 Textiles — Determination of resistance to certain insect pests
ISO 3999:2004 Radiation protection — Apparatus for industrial gamma radiography — Specifications for performance, design and tests
ISO 4000 – ISO 4999
ISO 4000 Passenger car tyres and rims
ISO 4000-1:2021 Part 1: Tyres (metric series)
ISO 4000-2:2021 Part 2: Rims
ISO 4001:1977 Shipbuilding — Inland navigation — Raft-type life-saving apparatus
ISO 4002 Equipment for sowing and planting
ISO 4002-1:1979 Part 1: Concave disks type D1 — Dimensions
ISO 4002-2:1977 Part 2: Flat disks type D2 with single bevel — Dimensions
ISO 4003:1977 Permeable sintered metal materials — Determination of bubble test pore size
ISO 4004:1983 Agricultural tractors and machinery — Track widths
ISO/IEC 4005 Telecommunications and information exchange between systems — Low altitude drone area network (LADAN) [Original draft ISO 4005 was deleted]
ISO/IEC 4005-1 Part 1: Communication model and requirements [Under development]
ISO/IEC 4005-2 Part 2: Physical and data link protocols for shared communication [Under development]
ISO/IEC 4005-3 Part 3: Physical and data link protocols for control communication [Under development]
ISO/IEC 4005-4 Part 4: Physical and data link protocols for video communication [Under development]
ISO 4006:1991 Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits – Vocabulary and symbols
ISO 4007:2018 Personal protective equipment – Eye and face protection – Vocabulary
ISO 4008 Road vehicles — Fuel injection pump testing
ISO 4008-1:1980 Part 1: Dynamic conditions
ISO 4008-2:1983 Part 2: Static conditions
ISO 4008-3:1987 Part 3: Application and test procedures
ISO 4009:2000 Commercial vehicles — Location of electrical and pneumatic connections between towing vehicles and trailers [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4010:1998 Diesel engines — Calibrating nozzle, delay pintle type
ISO/TR 4011:1976 Road vehicles — Apparatus for measurement of the opacity of exhaust gas from diesel engines [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 11614]
ISO 4012:1978 Concrete — Determination of compressive strength of test specimens [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 1920-4]
ISO 4013:1978 Concrete — Determination of flexural strength of test specimens [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 1920-4]
ISO 4014:2011 Hexagon head bolts — Product grades A and B
ISO 4015:1979 Hexagon head bolts — Product grade B — Reduced shank (shank diameter approximately equal to pitch diameter)
ISO 4016:2011 Hexagon head bolts — Product grade C
ISO 4017:2014 Fasteners — Hexagon head screws — Product grades A and B
ISO 4018:2011 Hexagon head screws — Product grade C
ISO 4019:2001 Structural steels — Cold-formed, welded, structural hollow sections — Dimensions and sectional properties [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 10799-2]
ISO 4020:2001 Road vehicles — Fuel filters for diesel engines — Test methods
ISO 4021:1992 Hydraulic fluid power — Particulate contamination analysis — Extraction of fluid samples from lines of an operating system
ISO 4022:2018 Permeable sintered metal materials — Determination of fluid permeability
ISO 4023:2009 Rubber hoses and hose assemblies for steam — Test methods
ISO 4024:1992 Road vehicles — Ignition coils — Low-tension cable connections
ISO 4025 The physical and mechanical properties of bagasse particleboards [Rejected draft]
ISO 4026:2003 Hexagon socket set screws with flat point
ISO 4027:2003 Hexagon socket set screws with cone point
ISO 4028:2003 Hexagon socket set screws with dog point
ISO 4029:2003 Hexagon socket set screws with cup point
ISO 4030:1983 Road vehicles — Vehicle identification number (VIN) — Location and attachment
ISO 4031:1978 Information interchange – Representation of local time differentials [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 8601:1988]
ISO 4032:2012 Hexagon regular nuts (style 1) — Product grades A and B
ISO 4033:2012 Hexagon high nuts (style 2) — Product grades A and B
ISO 4034:2012 Hexagon regular nuts (style 1) — Product grade C [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4035:2012 Hexagon thin nuts chamfered (style 0) — Product grades A and B
ISO 4036:2012 Hexagon thin nuts unchamfered (style 0) — Product grade B [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4037 X and gamma reference radiation for calibrating dosemeters and doserate meters and for determining their response as a function of photon energy
ISO 4037-1:1996 Part 1: Radiation characteristics and production
ISO 4037-2:1997 Part 2: Dosimetry for radiation protection over the energy ranges from 8 keV to 1,3 MeV and 4 MeV to 9 MeV
ISO 4037-3:1999 Part 3: Calibration of area and personal dosemeters and the measurement of their response as a function of energy and angle of incidence
ISO 4037-4:2004 Part 4: Calibration of area and personal dosemeters in low energy X reference radiation fields
ISO 4038:1996 Road vehicles — Hydraulic braking systems — Simple flare pipes, tapped holes, male fittings and hose end fittings
ISO 4039 Road vehicles — Pneumatic braking systems
ISO 4039-1:1998 Part 1: Pipes, male fittings and tapped holes with facial sealing surface
ISO 4039-2:1998 Part 2: Pipes, male fittings and holes with conical sealing surface
ISO 4040:2009 Road vehicles — Location of hand controls, indicators and tell-tales in motor vehicles
ISO 4041:1978 Rotary drilling equipment — Rotary hoses [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4042:2018 Fasteners — Electroplated coating systems
ISO 4043:2016 Simultaneous interpreting — Mobile booths — Requirements
ISO 4044:2017 Leather — Chemical tests — Preparation of chemical test samples
ISO 4045:2018 Leather — Chemical tests — Determination of pH and difference figure
ISO 4046 Paper, board, pulps and related terms – Vocabulary
ISO 4046-1:2016 Part 1: Alphabetical index
ISO 4046-2:2016 Part 2: Pulping terminology
ISO 4046-3:2016 Part 3: Paper-making terminology
ISO 4046-4:2016 Part 4: Paper and board grades and converted products
ISO 4046-5:2016 Part 5: Properties of pulp, paper and board
ISO 4047:1977 Leather — Determination of sulphated total ash and sulphated water-insoluble ash
ISO 4048:2018 Leather — Chemical tests — Determination of matter soluble in dichloromethane and free fatty acid content
ISO 4049:2019 Dentistry — Polymer-based restorative materials
ISO 4050:1977 Shipbuilding — Inland vessels — "Rhine" and Hall's stockless anchors
ISO 4051:1977 Shipbuilding — Inland vessels — Steering gear — Values of torques
ISO 4052:1983 Coffee — Determination of caffeine content (Reference method) [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4053 Measurement of gas flow in conduits — Tracer methods
ISO 4053-1:1977 Part 1: General [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4053-4:1978 Part 4: Transit time method using radioactive tracers [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4054:1980 Couplers, loose spigots and base-plates for use in working scaffolds made of steel tubes — Requirements and test procedure [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4055:1977 Road vehicles — Caravans and light trailers — Electromagnetic braking [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4056:1978 Polyethylene (PE) pipes and fittings — Designation of polyethylene, based on nominal density and melt flow index [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 10162]
ISO 4057:1986 Information processing – Data interchange on 6,30 mm (0.25 in) magnetic tape cartridge, 63 bpmm (1 600 bpi) phase-encoded [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4058:1977 Magnesium and its alloys — Determination of nickel — Photometric method using dimethylglyoxime [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4059:1978 Polyethylene (PE) pipes — Pressure drop in mechanical pipe-jointing systems — Method of test and requirements
ISO 4060 Road vehicles — Seat belts — Adjusting devices [Rejected draft]
ISO 4061 Soldering — Quality requirements for soldering of metallic materials [Under development; original draft ISO 4061 was Road vehicles — Seat belts equipment with push-button buckles — Handling characteristics]
ISO 4062:1977 Dictation equipment — Symbols [Withdrawn: replaced by ISO 13251]
ISO 4063:2009 Welding and allied processes – Nomenclature of processes and reference numbers
ISO 4064 Water meters for cold potable water and hot water
ISO 4064-1:2014 Part 1: Metrological and technical requirements
ISO 4064-2:2014 Part 2: Test methods
ISO 4064-3:2014 Part 3: Test report format
ISO 4064-4:2014 Part 4: Non-metrological requirements not covered in ISO 4064-1
ISO 4064-5:2014 Part 5: Installation requirements
ISO 4065:2018 Thermoplastics pipes — Universal wall thickness table
ISO 4066:1994 Construction drawings — Bar scheduling [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 3766]
ISO 4067 Technical drawings — Installations
ISO 4067-1:1984 Part 1: Graphical symbols for plumbing, heating, ventilation and ducting [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4067-2:1980 Part 2: Simplified representation of sanitary appliances [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4067-3:1984 Part 3: Graphical symbols for automatic control [Rejected draft later published as ISO/TR 8545]
ISO 4067-6:1985 Part 6: Graphical symbols for supply water and drainage systems in the ground [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4068:1978 Building and civil engineering drawings — Reference lines [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4069:1977 Building and civil engineering drawings — Representation of areas on sections and views — General principles [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4070 Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) — Effect of time and temperature on expected strength [Under development; originally planned standard with this number was a rejected draft with an unknown name]
ISO 4071:1978 Indirect-reading capacitor-type pocket exposure meters and accessory electrometers [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 11934, now withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4072:1982 Green coffee in bags — Sampling
ISO 4073:2009 Dentistry — Information system on the location of dental equipment in the working area of the oral health care provider
ISO 4074:2015 Natural latex rubber condoms – Requirements and test methods
ISO 4075 Polysulfone (PSU) — Effect of time and temperature on expected strength [Under development; originally planned standard with this number was a rejected draft with an unknown name]
ISO 4076 Polyphenylsulphone (PPSU) — Effect of time and temperature on expected strength [Under development; originally planned standard with this number was a rejected draft with an unknown name]
ISO 4077 Coal preparation plant — Guide to sampling in coal preparation plants [Under development; originally planned standard with this number was a rejected draft with an unknown name]
ISO 4079:2020 Rubber hoses and hose assemblies — Textile-reinforced hydraulic types for oil-based or water-based fluids — Specification
ISO 4080:2009 Rubber and plastics hoses and hose assemblies — Determination of permeability to gas
ISO 4081:2016 Rubber hoses and tubing for cooling systems for internal-combustion engines — Specification
ISO 4082:1981 Road vehicles — Motor vehicles — Flasher units
ISO 4083 Dental operating chair — General requirements [Rejected Draft]
ISO 4084:1977 Aircraft — Repairable contactors (not hermetically sealed) — Performance requirements [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4085:1979 Shipbuilding — Inland navigation — Swing derricks [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4086:2001 Road vehicles — 90 semi-trailer fifth wheel kingpin — Interchangeability
ISO 4087:2005 Micrographics – Microfilming of newspapers for archival purposes on 35 mm microfilm
ISO/TR 4088:1977 Rubber Thread – Classification [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4089:1979 Shipbuilding — Inland navigation — Sealing rubber for covers of cargo hatches
ISO 4090:2001 Photography — Medical radiographic cassettes/screens/films and hard-copy imaging films — Dimensions and specifications
ISO 4091:2003 Road vehicles — Connectors for the electrical connection of towing and towed vehicles — Definitions, tests and requirements
ISO 4092:1988 Road vehicles — Diagnostic systems for motor vehicles — Vocabulary [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4093:1999 Diesel engines — Fuel injection pumps — High-pressure pipes for testing
ISO 4094:2017 Paper, board and pulps — General requirements for the competence of laboratories authorized for the issue of optical reference transfer standards of level 3
ISO 4095:1998 Aerospace — Bihexagonal drives — Wrenching configuration — Metric series
ISO 4096:1978 Essential oils (containing tertiary alcohols) — Evaluation of free alcohols content by determination of ester value after cold formylation [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4097:2020 Rubber, ethylene-propylene-diene (EPDM) — Evaluation procedure
ISO 4098:2018 Leather — Chemical tests — Determination of water-soluble matter, water-soluble inorganic matter and water-soluble organic matter
ISO 4099:1984 Cheese — Determination of nitrate and nitrite contents — Method by cadmium reduction and photometry [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 14673-(1-3)]
ISO 4100:1980 Road vehicles — World parts manufacturer identifier (WPMI) code
ISO 4101:1983 Drawn steel wire for elevator ropes — Specifications
ISO 4102:1984 Equipment for crop protection — Sprayers — Connection threading
ISO 4103:1979 Concrete — Classification of consistency [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4104:1984 Dental zinc polycarboxylate cements [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 9917]
ISO 4105:1978 Textile machinery and accessories — Wires for flexible card clothings
ISO 4106:2012 Motorcycles — Engine test code — Net power
ISO 4107:2010 Commercial vehicles — Wheel-hub attachment dimensions
ISO 4108:1980 Concrete — Determination of tensile splitting strength of test specimens [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 1920-4]
ISO 4109:1980 Fresh concrete — Determination of the consistency — Slump test [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 1920-2]
ISO 4110:1979 Fresh concrete — Determination of the consistency — Vebe test [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 1920-2]
ISO 4111:1979 Fresh concrete — Determination of consistency — Degree of compactibility (Compaction index) [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 1920-2]
ISO 4112:1990 Cereals and pulses — Guidance on measurement of the temperature of grain stored in bulk
ISO 4113:2010 Road vehicles — Calibration fluids for diesel injection equipment
ISO/TR 4114:1979 Road vehicles — Caravans and light trailers — Static load on ball couplings [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4115:1997 Air cargo equipment — Air/land pallet nets
ISO 4116:1986 Air cargo equipment — Ground equipment requirements for compatibility with aircraft unit load devices
ISO 4117:1993 Air and air/land cargo pallets — Specification and testing
ISO 4118:2016 Air cargo — Non-certified lower deck containers — Design and testing
ISO 4119:1995 Pulps — Determination of stock concentration
ISO 4120:2021 Sensory analysis — Methodology — Triangle test
ISO 4121:2003 Sensory analysis — Guidelines for the use of quantitative response scales
ISO/TR 4122:1977 Equipment for working the soil — Dimensions of flat disks — Type A [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4123:1979 Belt conveyors — Impact rings for carrying idlers and discs for return idlers — Main dimensions
ISO 4124:1994 Liquid hydrocarbons — Dynamic measurement — Statistical control of volumetric metering systems
ISO 4125:1991 Dry fruits and dried fruits – Definitions and nomenclature
ISO 4126 Safety devices for protection against excessive pressure
ISO 4126-1:2013 Part 1: Safety valves
ISO 4126-2:2018 Part 2: Bursting disc safety devices
ISO 4126-3:2020 Part 3: Safety valves and bursting disc safety devices in combination
ISO 4126-4:2013 Part 4: Pilot operated safety valves
ISO 4126-5:2013 Part 5: Controlled safety pressure relief systems (CSPRS)
ISO 4126-6:2014 Part 6: Application, selection and installation of bursting disc safety devices
ISO 4126-7:2013 Part 7: Common data
ISO 4126-9:2008 Part 9: Application and installation of safety devices excluding stand-alone bursting disc safety devices
ISO 4126-10:2010 Part 10: Sizing of safety valves for gas/liquid two-phase flow
ISO 4127 Shipbuilding — Inland navigation — Fairleads
ISO 4127-1:1979 Part 1: Two-lip fairleads
ISO 4127-2:1979 Part 2: Two-Roller fairleads
ISO 4128:1985 Aircraft — Air mode modular containers
ISO 4129:2012 Road vehicles – Mopeds – Symbols for controls, indicators and tell-tales [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4130:1978 Road vehicles – Three-dimensional reference system and fiducial marks – Definitions
ISO 4131:1979 Road vehicles — Dimensional codes for passenger cars
ISO 4132:1979 Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and metal adaptor fittings for pipes under pressure — Laying lengths and size of threads — Metric series
ISO 4133:1979 Meat and meat products — Determination of glucono-delta-lactone content (Reference method) [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4134:2021 Meat and meat products — Determination of L-(+)-glutamic acid content — Reference method
ISO 4135:2022 Anaesthetic and respiratory equipment – Vocabulary
ISO 4136:2012 Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials — Transverse tensile test
ISO/TR 4137:1978 Plastics — Determination of modulus of elasticity by alternating flexure [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4138:2021 Passenger cars — Steady-state circular driving behaviour — Open-loop test methods
ISO 4139:1979 Ferrosilicon – Determination of aluminium content – Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method
ISO 4140:1979 Ferrochromium and ferrosilicochromium – Determination of chromium content – Potentiometric method
ISO 4141 Road vehicles — Multi-core connecting cables
ISO 4141-1:2019 Part 1: Test methods and requirements for basic performance sheathed cables
ISO 4141-2:2019 Part 2: Test methods and requirements for high performance sheathed cables
ISO 4141-3:2019 Part 3: Construction, dimensions and marking of unscreened sheathed low-voltage cables
ISO 4141-4:2009 Part 4: Test methods and requirements for coiled cable assemblies
ISO 4142:2002 Laboratory glassware — Test tubes
ISO 4143:1981 Shipbuilding — Inland vessels — Open rowing lifeboats
ISO 4144:2003 Pipework — Stainless steel fittings threaded in accordance with ISO 7-1
ISO 4145:1986 Non-alloy steel fittings threaded to ISO 7-1
ISO 4146:1980 Shipbuilding — Inland vessels — Manholes [Withdrawn: replaced by ISO 5894]
ISO 4147:1997 Aerospace — Nuts, hexagonal, slotted (castellated), normal height, normal across flats, with MJ threads, classifications: 600 MPa (at ambient temperature)/120 degrees C, 600 MPa (at ambient temperature)/235 degrees C, 900 MPa (at ambient temperature)/425 degrees C, 1 100 MPa (at ambient temperature)/235 degrees C, 1 100 MPa (at ambient temperature)/315 degrees C, 1 100 MPa (at ambient temperature)/650 degrees C, 1 210 MPa (at ambient temperature)/730 degrees C, 1 250 MPa (at ambient temperature)/235 degrees C and 1 550 MPa (at ambient temperature)/600 degrees C — Dimensions
ISO 4148:2004 Road vehicles — Special warning lamps — Dimensions
ISO 4149:2005 Green coffee — Olfactory and visual examination and determination of foreign matter and defects
ISO 4150:2011 Green coffee or raw coffee — Size analysis — Manual and machine sieving
ISO 4151:1987 Road vehicles — Mopeds — Type, location and functions of controls [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4152 Glass‐reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) pipes — Determination of the apparent axial long‐term modulus of pipes subject to beam bending [Originally planned ISO 4152 was Welder's test on non-alloy and low-alloy steels for manual metal arc welding]
ISO 4153:1981 Aircraft — Pressure fuel dispensing system — Test procedure and limit value for shut-off surge pressure
ISO 4154 Traditional Chinese medicine — Sinomenium acutum stem [Under development]
ISO 4155 Magnesium and magnesium alloys — Determination of nickel — Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometric method [Under development]
ISO 4156 Straight cylindrical involute splines — Metric module, side fit
ISO 4156-1:2021 Part 1: Generalities
ISO 4156-2:2021 Part 2: Dimensions
ISO 4156-3:2021 Part 3: Inspection
ISO 4157 Construction drawings – Designation systems
ISO 4158:1978 Ferrosilicon, ferrosilicomanganese and ferrosilicochromium – Determination of silicon content – Gravimetric method
ISO 4159:1978 Ferromanganese and ferrosilicomanganese – Determination of manganese content – Potentiometric method
ISO 4160 Hexagon nuts and bolts with flange, style 1 — Small Series — Product grade B [Draft merged into ISO 4161 and ISO 4162]
ISO 4161:2012 Hexagon nuts with flange, style 2 — Coarse thread
ISO 4162:2012 Hexagon bolts with flange — Small series — Product grade A with driving feature of product grade B
ISO 4164:2012 Mopeds — Engine test code — Net power
ISO 4165 Road vehicles — Electrical connections — Double-pole connection
ISO 4166:1979 Hexagon nuts for fine mechanics — Product grade F [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4167:2012 Polyolefin agricultural twines
ISO 4168:2002 Timekeeping instruments — Conditions for carrying out checks on radioluminescent deposits [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4169:1979 Office machines — Keyboards — Key numbering system and layout charts
ISO 4170:1995 Air cargo equipment — Interline pallet nets
ISO 4171:1993 Air cargo equipment — Interline pallets
ISO 4172:1991 Technical drawings – Construction drawings – Drawings for the assembly of prefabricated structures
ISO 4173:1980 Ferromolybdenum – Determination of molybdenum content – Gravimetric method
ISO 4174:1998 Cereals, oilseeds and pulses — Measurement of unit pressure loss in one-dimensional air flow through bulk grain
ISO 4175:1979 Shipbuilding — Shipborne barges, series 1 — Main dimensions
ISO 4176:1981 Fertilizers — Determination of nitrate nitrogen content — Nitron gravimetric method [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4177 Magnesium and magnesium alloys – Determination of chromium – Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometric method [Under development; original draft with this number unknown]
ISO 4178:1980 Complete, filled transport packages — Distribution trials — Information to be recorded
ISO 4179 Ductile iron pipes and fittings for pressure and non-pressure pipelines – Cement mortar lining
ISO 4180:2019 Packaging — Complete, filled transport packages — General rules for the compilation of performance test schedules
ISO 4181 Magnesium and magnesium alloys — Determination of strontium — Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometric method [Under development; original draft with this number unknown]
ISO 4182:1999 Motor vehicles — Measurement of variations in dipped-beam headlamp angle as a function of load [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4183:1995 Belt drives — Classical and narrow V-belts — Grooved pulleys (system based on datum width)
ISO 4184:1992 Belt drives — Classical and narrow V-belts — Lengths in datum system
ISO 4185:1980 Measurement of liquid flow in closed conduits – Weighing method
ISO 4186:1980 Asparagus — Guide to storage
ISO 4187:1980 Horse-radish — Guide to storage
ISO 4188 Magnesium and magnesium alloys – Determination of arsenic – Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometric method [Under development; original draft with this number unknown]
ISO 4189 Magnesium and magnesium alloys — Determination of sodium — Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometric method [Under development; original draft with this number unknown]
ISO 4190 Lift (US: Elevator) installation
ISO 4190-1:2010 Part 1: Class I, II, III and VI lifts [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 8100-30]
ISO 4190-2:2001 Part 2: Class IV lifts
ISO 4190-3:1982 Part 3: Service lifts class V
ISO 4190-5:2006 Part 5: Control devices, signals and additional fittings
ISO 4190-6:1984 Part 6: Passenger lifts to be installed in residential buildings — Planning and selection [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 8100-32]
ISO/TR 4191:2014 Plastics piping systems for water supply — Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride)(PVC-U) and oriented PVC-U (PVC-O) — Guidance for installation
ISO 4192:1981 Aluminium and aluminium alloys — Determination of lead content — Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method
ISO 4193:1981 Aluminium and aluminium alloys — Determination of chromium content — Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method
ISO 4194:1981 Magnesium alloys — Determination of zinc content — Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method
ISO 4195:2012 Conveyor belts with heat-resistant rubber covers — Heat resistance of covers — Requirements and test methods
ISO 4196:1984 Graphical symbols — Use of arrows [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 80416-2]
ISO 4197:1989 Equipment for working the soil — Hoe blades — Fixing dimensions
ISO 4198:1984 Surface active agents — Detergents for hand dishwashing — Guide for comparative testing of performance
ISO 4199:1979 Plain bearings — Shaft diameters for unsplit bushes [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4200:1991 Plain end steel tubes, welded and seamless — General tables of dimensions and masses per unit length
ISO 4202:2016 Reduction sleeves with external 7/24 taper for tools with Morse taper shanks
ISO 4203:1978 Parallel shank tools — Driving tenons and sockets — Dimensions [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4204:2016 Countersinks, 90°, with Morse taper shanks and detachable pilots
ISO 4205:2016 Countersinks, 90°, with parallel shanks and solid pilots
ISO 4206:2016 Counterbores with parallel shanks and solid pilots
ISO 4207:2016 Counterbores with Morse taper shanks and detachable pilots
ISO 4208:1977 Detachable pilots for use with counterbores and 90 degrees countersinks — Dimensions
ISO 4209 Truck and bus tyres and rims (metric series)
ISO 4209-1:2001 Part 1: Tyres
ISO 4209-2:2020 Part 2: Rims
ISO 4210 Cycles — Safety requirements for bicycles
ISO 4210-1:2014 Part 1: Terms and definitions
ISO 4210-2:2015 Part 2: Requirements for city and trekking, young adult, mountain and racing bicycles
ISO 4210-3:2014 Part 3: Common test methods
ISO 4210-4:2014 Part 4: Braking test methods
ISO 4210-5:2014 Part 5: Steering test methods
ISO 4210-6:2015 Part 6: Frame and fork test methods
ISO 4210-7:2014 Part 7: Wheels and rims test methods
ISO 4210-8:2014 Part 8: Pedal and drive system test methods
ISO 4210-9:2014 Part 9: Saddles and seat-post test methods
ISO 4211:1979 Furniture — Assessment of surface resistance to cold liquids
ISO 4211-2:2013 Part 2: Assessment of resistance to wet heat
ISO 4211-3:2013 Part 3: Assessment of resistance to dry heat
ISO 4211-4:1988 Part 4: Assessment of resistance to impact
ISO 4211-5:2021 Part 5: Assessment of resistance to abrasion
ISO 4212 Corrosion of Metals and Alloys — Method of oxalic acid etching test for intergranular corrosion of austenitic stainless steel [Under development; original draft with this number unknown]
ISO 4213.2 Information technology — Artificial Intelligence — Assessment of machine learning classification performance [Under development; original draft with this number unknown]
ISO 4214 Milk and milk products — Determination of amino acids in infant formula and other dairy products [Under development; original draft with this number unknown]
ISO 4215 Corrosion of metals and alloys — Test method for high-temperature corrosion testing of metallic materials by thermogravimetry under isothermal or cyclic conditions [Under development; original draft with this number unknown]
ISO 4216:2021 Thermosetting resin and UV curable resin — Determination of shrinkage by continuous measurement method [Original draft with this number unknown]
ISO 4217:2015 Codes for the representation of currencies
ISO 4218 Printing machines — Vocabulary
ISO 4218-1:1979 Part 1: Fundamental terms
ISO 4219:1979 Air quality — Determination of gaseous sulphur compounds in ambient air — Sampling equipment
ISO 4220:1983 Ambient air — Determination of a gaseous acid air pollution index — Titrimetric method with indicator or potentiometric end-point detection
ISO 4221:1980 Air quality — Determination of mass concentration of sulphur dioxide in ambient air — Thorin spectrophotometric method
ISO 4222 Ambient air — Measurement of particulate fall-out — Horizontal deposit gauge method [Rejected draft]
ISO 4223 Definitions of some terms used in the tyre industry
ISO 4223-1:2017 Part 1: Pneumatic tyres
ISO 4223-2:1991 Part 2: Solid tyres
ISO 4224:2000 Ambient air — Determination of carbon monoxide — Non-dispersive infrared spectrometric method
ISO 4225:2020 Air quality – General aspects – Vocabulary
ISO 4226:2007 Air quality – General aspects – Units of measurement
ISO/TR 4227:1989 Planning of ambient air quality monitoring
ISO 4228:1986 Spanners and wrenches — Spline drive ends for power socket wrenches
ISO 4229:2017 Assembly tools for screws and nuts — Single-head engineer's wrenches for lower torque applications — Maximum outside dimensions of heads and test torques
ISO 4230:2016 Hand- and machine-operated circular screwing dies for taper pipe threads — R series
ISO 4231:2016 Hand- and machine-operated circular screwing dies for parallel pipe threads — G series
ISO 4232 Office machines – Minimum information to be included in specification sheets
ISO 4232-1:1979 Part 1: Duplicators [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4232-2:1980 Part 2: Document copying machines
ISO 4232-3:1984 Part 3: Postal franking machines [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4233 Hot helium leak testing method for high temperature pressure-bearing components in nuclear fusion reactors [Under development; original draft with this number unknown]
ISO 4238:1976 Cinematography — Optical printing ratios for enlargement and reduction of motion-picture film images — Specifications
ISO 4240-1 Fine bubble technology — Environmental applications — Part 1: Inspection method using online particle counter in dissolved air flotation (DAF) plant [Under development; original draft with this number unknown, but relates to Cinematography]
ISO 4241:2019 Cinematography — Projection film leader (time-based), trailer and cue marks — Specifications
ISO 4242:1980 Cinematography — Recording head gaps for two sound records on 16 mm magnetic film — Positions and width dimensions
ISO 4243:1979 Cinematography — Picture image area and photographic sound record on 16 mm motion-picture release prints — Positions and dimensions
ISO 4244:1979 Cinematography — Photographic sound record on 8 mm Type S motion-picture prints — Position and width dimensions [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4245 Cinematography — Projector usage of 16 mm motion-picture films for direct front projection — Specifications [Draft numbered as ISO 26, which the draft was a revision of]
ISO 4246:1994 Cinematography – Vocabulary
ISO 4247:1977 Jig bushes and accessories for drilling purposes — Dimensions [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4248:1978 Jig bushes – Definitions and nomenclature
ISO 4249 Motorcycle tyres and rims (Code-designated series)
ISO 4249-1:1985 Part 1: Tyres
ISO 4249-2:1990 Part 2: Tyre load ratings
ISO 4249-3:2010 Part 3: Rims
ISO 4250 Earth-mover tyres and rims
ISO 4250-1:2017 Part 1: Tyre designation and dimensions
ISO 4250-2:2017 Part 2: Loads and inflation pressures
ISO 4250-3:2020 Part 3: Rims
ISO 4251 Code designated diagonal tyres (ply rating marked series) for agricultural tractors, trailers and machines
ISO 4251-1:2019 Part 1: Tyre designation and dimensions, and approved rim contours
ISO 4251-2:2019 Part 2: Tyre load ratings
ISO 4251-3:2006 Part 3: Rims [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 18804]
ISO 4251-4:2010 Part 4: Tyre classification and nomenclature [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4251-5:1992 Part 5: Logging and forestry service tyres [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 18807]
ISO 4252:2007 Agricultural tractors — Operator's workplace, access and exit — Dimensions
ISO 4253:1993 Agricultural tractors — Operator's seating accommodation — Dimensions
ISO 4254 Agricultural machinery — Safety
ISO 4254-1:2013 Part 1: General requirements
ISO 4254-2:1986 Part 2: Anhydrous ammonia applicators [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4254-3:1992 Part 3: Tractors [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 26322-(1,2)]
ISO 4254-4:1990 Part 4: Forestry winches [Withdrawn: replaced by ISO 19472]
ISO 4254-5:2018 Part 5: Power-driven soil-working machines
ISO 4254-6:2020 Part 6: Sprayers and liquid fertilizer distributors
ISO 4254-7:2017 Part 7: Combine harvesters, forage harvesters, cotton harvesters and sugar cane harvesters
ISO 4254-8:2018 Part 8: Solid fertilizer distributors
ISO 4254-9:2018 Part 9: Seed drills
ISO 4254-10:2009 Part 10: Rotary tedders and rakes
ISO 4254-11:2010 Part 11: Pick-up balers
ISO 4254-12:2012 Part 12: Rotary disc and drum mowers and flail mowers
ISO 4254-13:2012 Part 13: Large rotary mowers
ISO 4254-14:2016 Part 14: Bale wrappers
ISO 4254-15 Part 15: Row-crop flail mowers [Abandoned draft]
ISO 4254-16:2018 Part 16: Portable agricultural grain augers
ISO 4254-17:2022 Part 17: Root crop harvesters
ISO 4256:1996 Liquefied petroleum gases — Determination of gauge vapour pressure — LPG method
ISO 4257:2001 Liquefied petroleum gases — Method of sampling
ISO 4259 Petroleum and related products — Precision of measurement methods and results
ISO 4259-1:2017 Part 1: Determination of precision data in relation to methods of test
ISO 4259-2:2017 Part 2: Interpretation and application of precision data in relation to methods of test
ISO 4259-3:2020 Part 3: Monitoring and verification of published precision data in relation to methods of test
ISO 4259-4:2021 Part 4: Use of statistical control charts to validate 'in-statistical-control' status for the execution of a standard test method in a single laboratory
ISO 4260:1987 Petroleum products and hydrocarbons — Determination of sulfur content — Wickbold combustion method [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4261:2013 Petroleum products — Fuels (class F) — Specifications of gas turbine fuels for industrial and marine applications
ISO 4262:1993 Petroleum products — Determination of carbon residue — Ramsbottom method
ISO 4263 Petroleum and related products — Determination of the ageing behaviour of inhibited oils and fluids — TOST test
ISO 4263-1:2003 Part 1: Procedure for mineral oils
ISO 4263-2:2003 Part 2: Procedure for category HFC hydraulic fluids
ISO 4263-3:2015 Part 3: Anhydrous procedure for synthetic hydraulic fluids
ISO 4263-4:2006 Part 4: Procedure for industrial gear oils
ISO 4264:2018 Petroleum products — Calculation of cetane index of middle-distillate fuels by the four variable equation
ISO 4265:1986 Petroleum products — Lubricating oils and additives — Determination of phosphorus content — Quinoline phosphomolybdate method [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4266 Petroleum and liquid petroleum products — Measurement of level and temperature in storage tanks by automatic methods
ISO 4266-1:2002 Part 1: Measurement of level in atmospheric tanks
ISO 4266-2:2002 Part 2: Measurement of level in marine vessels
ISO 4266-3:2002 Part 3: Measurement of level in pressurized storage tanks (non-refrigerated)
ISO 4266-4:2002 Part 4: Measurement of temperature in atmospheric tanks
ISO 4266-5:2002 Part 5: Measurement of temperature in marine vessels
ISO 4266-6:2002 Part 6: Measurement of temperature in pressurized storage tanks (non-refrigerated)
ISO 4267 Petroleum and liquid petroleum products — Calculation of oil quantities
ISO 4267-1 Part 1: Static measurement [Rejected draft]
ISO 4267-2:1988 Part 2: Dynamic measurement
ISO 4268:2000 Petroleum and liquid petroleum products — Temperature measurements — Manual methods
ISO 4269:2001 Petroleum and liquid petroleum products — Tank calibration by liquid measurement — Incremental method using volumetric meters
ISO 4270 Petroleum products – Determination of density and relative density – Reischauer pyknometer method [Rejected draft]
ISO 4271 Petroleum products – Determination of density and relative density – Conical pyknometer method [Rejected draft]
ISO 4272 Intelligent transport systems — Truck platooning systems (TPS) — Functional and operational requirements [Under development; original draft with this number unknown]
ISO 4273 Intelligent transport systems — Automated braking during low speed manoeuvring (ABLS) — Requirements and test procedures [Under development; original draft with this number unknown]
ISO 4274:1977 Urea for industrial use — Determination of biuret content — Flame atomic absorption and photometric absorption methods [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4275:1977 Ammonium hydrogen carbonate for industrial use (including foodstuffs) — Determination of arsenic content — Silver diethyldithiocarbamate photometric method [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4276:1978 Anhydrous ammonia for industrial use — Evaluation of residue on evaporation — Gravimetric method [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO/TR 4277:2009 Cryolite, natural and artificial — Conventional test for evaluation of free fluorides content
ISO 4278:1977 Sodium fluoride for industrial use — Determination of carbonate content — Gravimetric method [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4279:1977 Aluminium fluoride for industrial use — Determination of sodium content — Flame emission spectrophotometric method [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4280:1977 Cryolite, natural and artificial, and aluminium fluoride for industrial use — Determination of sulphate content — Barium sulphate gravimetric method
ISO 4281:1977 Sodium hexafluorosilicate for industrial use — Determination of free acidity and total hexafluorosilicate content — Titrimetric method
ISO 4282:1992 Acid-grade and ceramic-grade fluorspar — Determination of loss in mass at 105 degrees C [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4283:1993 All grades of fluorspar — Determination of carbonate content — Titrimetric method [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4284:1993 Acid-grade and ceramic-grade fluorspar — Determination of sulfide content — Iodometric method [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4285:1977 Phosphoric acid for industrial use — Guide to sampling techniques
ISO 4286:2021 Intelligent transport systems — Use cases for sharing of probe data [Original draft with this number unknown]
ISO 4287:1997 Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) – Surface texture: Profile method – Terms, definitions and surface texture parameters [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 21920-2]
ISO 4288:1996 Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) – Surface texture: Profile method – Rules and procedures for the assessment of surface texture [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 21920-3]
ISO 4289 Recommendation and specification of HVOF cermet coatings for metallurgical roll components [Under development; originally planned ISO 4289 was Instruments for the measurement of surface roughness by the profile method contact (stylus) instruments of consecutive profile transformation - Profile recording instruments calibration and means]
ISO 4290 Agricultural wheeled tractors and attachments — Front loaders — Dimensional and operational ratings [Under development; original draft with this number unknown]
ISO 4291:1985 Methods for the assessment of departure from roundness – Measurement of variations in radius
ISO 4292:1985 Methods for the assessment of departure from roundness — Measurement by two- and three-point methods [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4293:1982 Manganese ores and concentrates — Determination of phosphorus content — Extraction-molybdovanadate photometric method
ISO 4294:1984 Manganese ores and concentrates — Determination of copper content — Extraction-spectrometric and spectrometric methods [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4295:1988 Manganese ores and concentrates — Determination of aluminium content — Photometric and gravimetric methods
ISO 4296 Manganese ores — Sampling
ISO 4296-1:1984 Part 1: Increment sampling
ISO 4296-2:1983 Part 2: Preparation of samples
ISO 4297:1978 Manganese ores and concentrates — Methods of chemical analysis — General instructions
ISO 4298:1984 Manganese ores and concentrates — Determination of manganese content — Potentiometric method
ISO 4299:1989 Manganese ores — Determination of moisture content
ISO 4300:1984 Manganese ores and concentrates — Determination of lead content — Polarographic methods [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4301 Cranes – Classification
ISO 4301-1:2016 Part 1: General
ISO 4301-2:2020 Part 2: Mobile cranes
ISO 4301-3:2021 Part 3: Tower cranes
ISO 4301-4:1989 Part 4: Jib cranes
ISO 4301-5:1991 Part 5: Overhead travelling and portal bridge cranes
ISO 4302:2016 Cranes — Wind load assessment
ISO 4304:1987 Cranes other than mobile and floating cranes — General requirements for stability
ISO 4305:2014 Mobile cranes — Determination of stability
ISO 4306 Cranes – Vocabulary
ISO 4306-1:2007 Part 1: General
ISO 4306-2:2012 Part 2: Mobile cranes
ISO 4306-3:2016 Part 3: Tower cranes
ISO 4306-4:2020 Part 4: Jib cranes
ISO 4306-5:2005 Part 5: Bridge and gantry cranes
ISO 4307:2021 Molecular in vitro diagnostic examinations — Specifications for pre-examination processes for saliva — Isolated human DNA [Original draft with this number was related to cranes]
ISO 4308 Cranes and lifting appliances — Selection of wire ropes
ISO 4308-1:2003 Part 1: General [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 16625]
ISO 4308-2:1988 Part 2: Mobile cranes — Coefficient of utilization [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 16625]
ISO 4309:2017 Cranes — Wire ropes — Care and maintenance, inspection and discard
ISO 4310:2009 Cranes — Test code and procedures
ISO 4311:1979 Anionic and non-ionic surface active agents — Determination of the critical micellization concentration — Method by measuring surface tension with a plate, stirrup or ring
ISO 4312:1989 Surface active agents — Evaluation of certain effects of laundering — Methods of analysis and test for unsoiled cotton control cloth
ISO 4313:1976 Washing powders — Determination of total phosphorus(V) oxide content — Quinoline phosphomolybdate gravimetric method
ISO 4314:1977 Surface active agents — Determination of free alkalinity or free acidity — Titrimetric method
ISO 4315:1977 Surface active agents — Determination of alkalinity — Titrimetric method
ISO 4316:1977 Surface active agents — Determination of pH of aqueous solutions — Potentiometric method
ISO 4317:2011 Surface-active agents and detergents — Determination of water content — Karl Fischer methods
ISO 4318:1989 Surface active agents and soaps — Determination of water content — Azeotropic distillation method
ISO 4319:1977 Surface active agents — Detergents for washing fabrics — Guide for comparative testing of performance
ISO 4320:1977 Non-ionic surface active agents — Determination of cloud point index — Volumetric method
ISO 4321:1977 Washing powders — Determination of active oxygen content — Titrimetric method
ISO 4322:1977 Non-ionic surface active agents — Determination of sulphated ash — Gravimetric method
ISO 4323:2018 Soaps — Determination of chloride content — Potentiometric method
ISO 4324:1977 Surface active agents — Powders and granules — Measurement of the angle of repose
ISO 4325:1990 Soaps and detergents — Determination of chelating agent content — Titrimetric method
ISO 4326:1980 Non-ionic surface active agents — Polyethoxylated derivatives — Determination of hydroxyl value — Acetic anhydride method
ISO 4327:1979 Non-ionic surface active agents — Polyalkoxylated derivatives — Determination of hydroxyl value — Phthalic anhydride method
ISO 4328 Centre holes [Rejected draft]
ISO 4329 Shaft ends with woodruff keys [Rejected draft]
ISO 4330:1994 Photography — Determination of the curl of photographic film and paper [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 18910]
ISO 4331:1986 Photography — Processed photographic black-and-white film for archival records — Silver-gelatin type on cellulose ester base — Specifications [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 10602, now replaced with ISO 18901]
ISO 4332:1986 Photography — Processed photographic black-and-white film for archival records — Silver-gelatin type on poly(ethylene terephthalate) base — Specifications [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 10602, now replaced with ISO 18901]
ISO 4333 Textiles — Determination of reduction activity of specific proteins derived from pollen, mite and other sources on textile products [Under development; original draft with this number unknown]
ISO 4334 Fruit puree — Specifications and test methods [Under development; original draft with this number unknown]
ISO/IEC 4335:1993 Information technology —- Telecommunications and information exchange between systems — High-level data link control (HDLC) procedures — Elements of procedures [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO/IEC 13239]
ISO 4336:1981 Numerical control of machines — Specification of interface signals between the numerical control unit and the electrical equipment of an NC machine [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4337:1977 Information processing – Interchangeable magnetic twelve-disk pack (100 Mbytes) [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4338 Information processing – Magnetic tape cassette [Rejected draft; a later proposed ISO 4338 Conceptual model and system architecture of smart classroom was deleted in 2021]
ISO 4339:2022 Information technology for learning, education and training — Reference model for information and communications technology (ICT) evaluation in education [Original draft with this number related to Information processing]
ISO 4340 Water aggressiveness evaluation and optimized lining choice [Under development; original draft with this number related to Information processing]
ISO 4341:1978 Information processing – Magnetic tape cassette and cartridge labelling and file structure for information interchange
ISO 4342:1985 Numerical control of machines — NC processor input — Basic part program reference language
ISO 4343:2000 Industrial automation systems — Numerical control of machines — NC processor output — Post processor commands
ISO 4344:2004 Steel wire ropes for lifts — Minimum requirements
ISO 4345:1988 Steel wire ropes — Fibre main cores — Specification
ISO 4346:1977 Steel wire ropes for general purposes – Lubricants – Basic requirements
ISO 4347:2015 Leaf chains, clevises and sheaves — Dimensions, measuring forces, tensile strengths and dynamic strengths
ISO 4348:1983 Flat-top chains and associated chain wheels for conveyors [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4349 Solid recovered fuels — Method for the determination of the Recycling-Index [Under development; original draft with this number unknown]
ISO 4359:2013 Flow measurement structures – Rectangular, trapezoidal and U-shaped flumes
ISO 4360:2008 Hydrometry – Open channel flow measurement using triangular profile weirs
ISO 4362:1999 Hydrometric determinations – Flow measurement in open channels using structures – Trapezoidal broad-crested weirs
ISO 4363:2002 Measurement of liquid flow in open channels – Methods for measurement of characteristics of suspended sediment
ISO 4364:1997 Measurement of liquid flow in open channels – Bed material sampling
ISO 4365:2005 Liquid flow in open channels – Sediment in streams and canals – Determination of concentration, particle size distribution and relative density
ISO 4366:2007 Hydrometry – Echo sounders for water depth measurements
ISO 4369:1979 Measurement of liquid flow in open channels – Moving-boat method
ISO 4371:1984 Measurement of liquid flow in open channels by weirs and flumes – End depth method for estimation of flow in non-rectangular channels with a free overfall (approximate method)
ISO 4373:2008 Hydrometry – Water level measuring devices
ISO 4374:1990 Liquid flow measurement in open channels – Round-nose horizontal broad-crested weirs
ISO 4375:2014 Hydrometry – Cableway systems for stream gauging
ISO 4377:2012 Hydrometric determinations – Flow measurement in open channels using structures – Flat-V weirs
ISO 4378 Plain bearings – Terms, definitions, classification and symbols
ISO 4378-1:2017 Part 1: Design, bearing materials and their properties
ISO 4378-2:2017 Part 2: Friction and wear
ISO 4378-3:2017 Part 3: Lubrication
ISO 4378-4:2009 Part 4: Basic symbols
ISO 4378-5:2009 Part 5: Application of symbols
ISO/TR 4378-6:2012 Part 6: Abbreviated terms
ISO 4412 Hydraulic fluid power – Test code for determination of airborne noise levels
ISO 4412-1:1991 Part 1: Pumps
ISO 4412-2:1991 Part 2: Motors
ISO 4412-3:1991 Part 3: Pumps – Method using a parallelepiped microphone array
ISO 4413:2010 Hydraulic fluid power – General rules and safety requirements for systems and their components
ISO 4422 Pipes and fittings made of unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) for water supply — Specifications
ISO 4422-1:1996 Part 1: General [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 1452-1]
ISO 4422-2:1996 Part 2: Pipes (with or without integral sockets) [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 1452-2]
ISO 4422-3:1996 Part 3: Fittings and joints [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 1452-3]
ISO 4422-4:1996 Part 4: Valves and ancillary equipment [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 1452-4]
ISO 4422-5:1996 Part 5: Fitness for purpose of the system [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 1452-5]
ISO 4434:1977 Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC) adaptor fittings for pipes under pressure — Laying length and size of threads — Metric series [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 1452-3]
ISO 4469:1981 Wood — Determination of radial and tangential shrinkage [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 13061-13]
ISO 4481:1977 Cutlery and flatware – Nomenclature
ISO 4548 Methods of test for full-flow lubricating oil filters for internal combustion engines
ISO 4548-7:2012 Part 7: Vibration fatigue test
ISO 4551:1987 Ferroalloys – Sampling and sieve analysis
ISO 4552 Ferroalloys – Sampling and sample preparation for chemical analysis
ISO 4552-1:1987 Part 1: Ferrochromium, ferrosilicochromium, ferrosilicon, ferrosilicomanganese, ferromanganese
ISO 4552-2:1987 Part 2: Ferrotitanium, ferromolybdenum, ferrotungsten, ferroniobium, ferrovanadium
ISO 4578 Adhesives — Determination of peel resistance of high-strength adhesive bonds — Floating-roller method
ISO 4582 Plastics — Determination of changes in colour and variations in properties after exposure to daylight under glass, natural weathering or laboratory light sources
ISO 4587 Adhesives — Determination of tensile lap-shear strength of rigid-to-rigid bonded assemblies
ISO 4618:2014 Paints and varnishes – Terms and definitions
ISO 4628 Paints and varnishes – Evaluation of degradation of coatings – Designation of quantity and size of defects, and of intensity of uniform changes in appearance
ISO 4628-1 General introduction and designation system
ISO 4628-2 Assessment of degree of blistering
ISO 4628-3 Assessment of degree of rusting
ISO 4628-4 Assessment of degree of cracking
ISO 4628-5 Assessment of degree of flaking
ISO 4628-6 Assessment of degree of chalking by tape method
ISO 4628-7 Assessment of degree of chalking by velvet method
ISO 4628-8 Assessment of degree of delamination and corrosion around a scribe
ISO 4628-10 Assessment of degree of filiform corrosion
ISO 4648:1991 Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic — Determination of dimensions of test pieces and products for test purposes [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 23529]
ISO 4661 Rubber, vulcanized — Preparation of samples and test pieces
ISO 4661-1:1993 Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic — Preparation of samples and test pieces — Part 1: Physical tests [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 23529]
ISO 4661-2:2018 Rubber, vulcanized — Preparation of samples and test pieces — Part 2: Chemical tests
ISO 4683 Raw sheep skins
ISO 4683-1:1998 Part 1: Descriptions of defects
ISO 4720:2009 Essential oils – Nomenclature
ISO 4730:2017 Essential oil of Melaleuca, terpinen-4-ol type (Tea Tree oil)
ISO 4786:1977 Enclosed-scale adjustable-range thermometers
ISO 4787:2010 Laboratory glassware – Volumetric instruments – Methods for testing of capacity and for use
ISO 4788:2005 Laboratory glassware – Graduated measuring cylinders
ISO 4791 Laboratory apparatus – Vocabulary relating to apparatus made essentially from glass, porcelain or vitreous silica
ISO 4791-1:1985 Part 1: Names for items of apparatus
ISO 4795:1996 Glass for thermometer bulbs
ISO 4801:1979 Glass alcoholometers and alcohol hydrometers not incorporating a thermometer
ISO 4805:1982 Laboratory glassware – Thermo-alcoholometers and alcohol-thermohydrometers
ISO 4824:1993 Dentistry — Ceramic denture teeth [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 22112]
ISO 4831:2006 Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs – Horizontal method for the detection and enumeration of coliforms – Most probable number technique
ISO 4832:2006 Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs – Horizontal method for the enumeration of coliforms – Colony-count technique
ISO 4833 Microbiology of the food chain – Horizontal method for the enumeration of microorganisms
ISO 4833-1:2013 Part 1: Colony count at 30 degrees C by the pour plate technique
ISO 4833-2:2013 Part 2: Colony count at 30 degrees C by the surface plating technique
ISO 4848:1980 Concrete — Determination of air content of freshly mixed concrete — Pressure method [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 1920-2]
ISO 4858:1982 Wood — Determination of volumetric shrinkage [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 13061-14]
ISO 4859:1982 Wood — Determination of radial and tangential swelling [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 13061-15]
ISO 4860:1982 Wood — Determination of volumetric swelling [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 13061-16]
ISO 4866:2010 Mechanical vibration and shock – Vibration of fixed structures – Guidelines for the measurement of vibrations and evaluation of their effects on structures
ISO 4871:1996 Acoustics – Declaration and verification of noise emission values of machinery and equipment
ISO/IEC 4873:1991 Information technology – ISO 8-bit code for information interchange – Structure and rules for implementation
ISO 4875 Metal-cutting band saw blades
ISO 4875-1:2006 Part 1: Vocabulary
ISO 4880:1997 Burning behaviour of textiles and textile products – Vocabulary
ISO 4882:1979 Office machines and data processing equipment – Line spacings and character spacings
ISO 4885:2017 Ferrous materials – Heat treatments – Vocabulary
ISO 4892 Plastics – Methods of exposure to laboratory light sources
ISO 4902:1989 Information technology – Data communication – 37-pole DTE/DCE interface connector and contact number assignments
ISO 4903:1989 Information technology – Data communication – 15-pole DTE/DCE interface connector and contact number assignments
ISO/IEC 4909:2006 Identification cards – Financial transaction cards – Magnetic stripe data content for track 3
ISO 4921:2000 Knitting – Basic concepts – Vocabulary
ISO 4977 Double cold-reduced electrolytic tinplate
ISO 4977-1:1984 Part 1: Sheet [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 11949]
ISO 4977-2:1984 Part 2: Coil for subsequent cutting into sheets [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 11949]
This list generally excludes draft versions.
ISO deliverables include "specifications" (ISO/PAS, ISO/TS), "reports" (ISO/TR), etc, which are not referred to by ISO as "standards".
The exact wording of this title varies between parts. This is the wording of the most recently published part.
"Standards catalogue". ISO.
"Freely Available Standards". ISO.
U.S. Metric Study Interim Report (1971). Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards.
Dimensional Co-ordination in Building Current Trends in ECE Countries; Report–Part 59 (1967). United Nations. Economic Commission for Europe. Committee on Housing, Building and Planning. pg. 84
"Iso 1996-1:2016".
"Iso 1999:2013".
Mechanical Engineering. The Journal of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (1975) Vol. 97. pg. 78
Der Praktiker, Volumes 30-31 (1978). Deutscher Verband für Schweisstechnik. pg. 209.
Welding Research Abroad (1975). Welding Research Council (U.S.). pg. 20.
https://www.google.com/books/edition/Wor...frontcover. {{cite web}}: Missing or empty |title= (help)
Unesco (1980). UNISIST Guide to Standards for Information Handling Part 2. ISBN 9789231018336.
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lot-by-lot inspection
ISO 3951-4:2011 Part 4: Procedures for assessment of declared quality levels
ISO 3951-5:2006 Part 5: Sequential sampling plans indexed by acceptance quality limit (AQL) for inspection by variables (known standard deviation)
ISO 3952 Kinematic diagrams – Graphical symbols
ISO 3952-1:1981 (Motion of links of mechanisms; Kinematic pairs; Links and connections of their components; Linkage of bars and their links)
ISO 3952-2:1981 (Friction and gear mechanisms; Cam mechanisms)
ISO 3952-3:1979 (Maltese and ratchet mechanisms; Couplings and brakes)
ISO 3952-4:1984 (Miscellaneous mechanisms and their components)
ISO 3953:2011 Metallic powders — Determination of tap density
ISO 3954:2007 Powders for powder metallurgical purposes — Sampling
ISO 3955:1977 Sintered metal materials, excluding hardmetals — Sampling [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO/TR 3956:1975 Principles of structural fire-engineering design with special regard to the connection between real fire exposure and the heating conditions of the standard fire-resistance test (ISO 834)
ISO 3957 Reaction to fire tests — Façades — Measurement of heat and smoke generation in severe exterior fire scenarios [Under development; originally planned ISO 3957 Graphic symbols — Index, survey, and compilation of the single sheets became ISO 7000]
ISO 3958:1996 Passenger cars — Driver hand-control reach
ISO 3959:1977 Green bananas — Ripening conditions
ISO 3960:2017 Animal and vegetable fats and oils — Determination of peroxide value — Iodometric (visual) endpoint determination
ISO 3961:2018 Animal and vegetable fats and oils — Determination of iodine value
ISO 3962:1977 Materials and equipment for petroleum and natural gas industries — Tool joints for steel drill pipe for oil or natural gas wells [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 3963:1977 Fertilizers — Sampling from a conveyor by stopping the belt
ISO 3964:2016 Dentistry — Coupling dimensions for handpiece connectors
ISO 3965:1990 Agricultural wheeled tractors — Maximum speeds — Method of determination
ISO 3966:2020 Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits – Velocity area method using Pitot static tubes
ISO 3967 Petroleum products – Determination of density and relative density – Bingham pyknometer method [Rejected draft]
ISO 3968:2017 Hydraulic fluid power — Filters — Evaluation of differential pressure versus flow
ISO 3969:1979 Shipbuilding — Inland vessels — Operational documentation
ISO 3970:1977 Modular units for machine tool construction — Integral way columns — Floor-mounted type
ISO 3971:1977 Rice milling — Symbols and equivalent terms [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 3972:2011 Sensory analysis — Methodology — Method of investigating sensitivity of taste
ISO 3973:1996 Living animals for slaughter — Vocabulary — Bovines [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 3974:1977 Definitions of living animals for slaughter — Ovines
ISO 3975:1977 Definitions of living animals for slaughter — Horses [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 3976:2006 Milk fat — Determination of peroxide value
ISO 3977 Gas turbines – Procurement
ISO 3978:1976 Aluminium and aluminium alloys — Determination of chromium — Spectrophotometric method using diphenylcarbazide, after extraction
ISO 3979:1977 Aluminium and aluminium alloys — Determination of nickel — Spectrophotometric method using dimethylglyoxime [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 3980:1977 Aluminium and aluminium alloys — Determination of copper — Atomic absorption spectrophotometric method
ISO 3981:1977 Aluminium and aluminium alloys — Determination of nickel — Atomic absorption spectrophotometric method
ISO 3982 Chemical analysis of aluminum and its alloys — Complexometric determination of mangesium [Rejected draft]
ISO 3983:1977 Cereals and cereal products — Determination of alpha-amylase activity — Colorimetric method [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 3984:2004 Road vehicles — Rear moving barrier impact test procedure [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO/TR 3985:2021 Biotechnology — Data publication — Preliminary considerations and concepts [originally planned ISO 3985 was a rejected draft with an unknown name]
ISO 3986 Petroleum products — Lubricating wax — Determination of cone penetration [Rejected draft]
ISO 3987:2010 Petroleum products — Determination of sulfated ash in lubricating oils and additives
ISO 3988 Determination of Spontaneous ignition temperature [Rejected draft]
ISO 3989 Measurement of airborne noise emitted by compressor units including prime movers [Rejected draft]
ISO 3990 Dentistry — Evaluation of antibacterial activity of dental restorative materials, luting cements, fissure sealants and orthodontic bonding or luting materials [Under development; originally planned ISO 3990 was Modular co-ordination — Sizes for co-ordinating lengths and widths of openings in the horizontal plane]
ISO 3991 Agricultural machinery — Robotic feed systems — Safety [Under development; originally planned ISO 3991 was Modular co-ordination — Sizes for co-ordinating heights of openings in the vertical plane]
ISO 3992 Petroleum waxes — Determination of needle penetration [Rejected draft]
ISO 3993:1984 Liquefied petroleum gas and light hydrocarbons — Determination of density or relative density — Pressure hydrometer method
ISO 3994:2014 Plastics hoses — Helical-thermoplastic-reinforced thermoplastics hoses for suction and discharge of aqueous materials — Specification
ISO 3995:1985 Metallic powders — Determination of green strength by transverse rupture of rectangular compacts
ISO 3996:1995 Road vehicles — Brake hose assemblies for hydraulic braking systems used with non-petroleum-base brake fluid
ISO 3997 Bitumen and bituminous binders – Determination of needle penetration [Rejected draft]
ISO 3998:1977 Textiles — Determination of resistance to certain insect pests
ISO 3999:2004 Radiation protection — Apparatus for industrial gamma radiography — Specifications for performance, design and tests
ISO 4000 – ISO 4999
ISO 4000 Passenger car tyres and rims
ISO 4000-1:2021 Part 1: Tyres (metric series)
ISO 4000-2:2021 Part 2: Rims
ISO 4001:1977 Shipbuilding — Inland navigation — Raft-type life-saving apparatus
ISO 4002 Equipment for sowing and planting
ISO 4002-1:1979 Part 1: Concave disks type D1 — Dimensions
ISO 4002-2:1977 Part 2: Flat disks type D2 with single bevel — Dimensions
ISO 4003:1977 Permeable sintered metal materials — Determination of bubble test pore size
ISO 4004:1983 Agricultural tractors and machinery — Track widths
ISO/IEC 4005 Telecommunications and information exchange between systems — Low altitude drone area network (LADAN) [Original draft ISO 4005 was deleted]
ISO/IEC 4005-1 Part 1: Communication model and requirements [Under development]
ISO/IEC 4005-2 Part 2: Physical and data link protocols for shared communication [Under development]
ISO/IEC 4005-3 Part 3: Physical and data link protocols for control communication [Under development]
ISO/IEC 4005-4 Part 4: Physical and data link protocols for video communication [Under development]
ISO 4006:1991 Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits – Vocabulary and symbols
ISO 4007:2018 Personal protective equipment – Eye and face protection – Vocabulary
ISO 4008 Road vehicles — Fuel injection pump testing
ISO 4008-1:1980 Part 1: Dynamic conditions
ISO 4008-2:1983 Part 2: Static conditions
ISO 4008-3:1987 Part 3: Application and test procedures
ISO 4009:2000 Commercial vehicles — Location of electrical and pneumatic connections between towing vehicles and trailers [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4010:1998 Diesel engines — Calibrating nozzle, delay pintle type
ISO/TR 4011:1976 Road vehicles — Apparatus for measurement of the opacity of exhaust gas from diesel engines [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 11614]
ISO 4012:1978 Concrete — Determination of compressive strength of test specimens [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 1920-4]
ISO 4013:1978 Concrete — Determination of flexural strength of test specimens [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 1920-4]
ISO 4014:2011 Hexagon head bolts — Product grades A and B
ISO 4015:1979 Hexagon head bolts — Product grade B — Reduced shank (shank diameter approximately equal to pitch diameter)
ISO 4016:2011 Hexagon head bolts — Product grade C
ISO 4017:2014 Fasteners — Hexagon head screws — Product grades A and B
ISO 4018:2011 Hexagon head screws — Product grade C
ISO 4019:2001 Structural steels — Cold-formed, welded, structural hollow sections — Dimensions and sectional properties [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 10799-2]
ISO 4020:2001 Road vehicles — Fuel filters for diesel engines — Test methods
ISO 4021:1992 Hydraulic fluid power — Particulate contamination analysis — Extraction of fluid samples from lines of an operating system
ISO 4022:2018 Permeable sintered metal materials — Determination of fluid permeability
ISO 4023:2009 Rubber hoses and hose assemblies for steam — Test methods
ISO 4024:1992 Road vehicles — Ignition coils — Low-tension cable connections
ISO 4025 The physical and mechanical properties of bagasse particleboards [Rejected draft]
ISO 4026:2003 Hexagon socket set screws with flat point
ISO 4027:2003 Hexagon socket set screws with cone point
ISO 4028:2003 Hexagon socket set screws with dog point
ISO 4029:2003 Hexagon socket set screws with cup point
ISO 4030:1983 Road vehicles — Vehicle identification number (VIN) — Location and attachment
ISO 4031:1978 Information interchange – Representation of local time differentials [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 8601:1988]
ISO 4032:2012 Hexagon regular nuts (style 1) — Product grades A and B
ISO 4033:2012 Hexagon high nuts (style 2) — Product grades A and B
ISO 4034:2012 Hexagon regular nuts (style 1) — Product grade C [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4035:2012 Hexagon thin nuts chamfered (style 0) — Product grades A and B
ISO 4036:2012 Hexagon thin nuts unchamfered (style 0) — Product grade B [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4037 X and gamma reference radiation for calibrating dosemeters and doserate meters and for determining their response as a function of photon energy
ISO 4037-1:1996 Part 1: Radiation characteristics and production
ISO 4037-2:1997 Part 2: Dosimetry for radiation protection over the energy ranges from 8 keV to 1,3 MeV and 4 MeV to 9 MeV
ISO 4037-3:1999 Part 3: Calibration of area and personal dosemeters and the measurement of their response as a function of energy and angle of incidence
ISO 4037-4:2004 Part 4: Calibration of area and personal dosemeters in low energy X reference radiation fields
ISO 4038:1996 Road vehicles — Hydraulic braking systems — Simple flare pipes, tapped holes, male fittings and hose end fittings
ISO 4039 Road vehicles — Pneumatic braking systems
ISO 4039-1:1998 Part 1: Pipes, male fittings and tapped holes with facial sealing surface
ISO 4039-2:1998 Part 2: Pipes, male fittings and holes with conical sealing surface
ISO 4040:2009 Road vehicles — Location of hand controls, indicators and tell-tales in motor vehicles
ISO 4041:1978 Rotary drilling equipment — Rotary hoses [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4042:2018 Fasteners — Electroplated coating systems
ISO 4043:2016 Simultaneous interpreting — Mobile booths — Requirements
ISO 4044:2017 Leather — Chemical tests — Preparation of chemical test samples
ISO 4045:2018 Leather — Chemical tests — Determination of pH and difference figure
ISO 4046 Paper, board, pulps and related terms – Vocabulary
ISO 4046-1:2016 Part 1: Alphabetical index
ISO 4046-2:2016 Part 2: Pulping terminology
ISO 4046-3:2016 Part 3: Paper-making terminology
ISO 4046-4:2016 Part 4: Paper and board grades and converted products
ISO 4046-5:2016 Part 5: Properties of pulp, paper and board
ISO 4047:1977 Leather — Determination of sulphated total ash and sulphated water-insoluble ash
ISO 4048:2018 Leather — Chemical tests — Determination of matter soluble in dichloromethane and free fatty acid content
ISO 4049:2019 Dentistry — Polymer-based restorative materials
ISO 4050:1977 Shipbuilding — Inland vessels — "Rhine" and Hall's stockless anchors
ISO 4051:1977 Shipbuilding — Inland vessels — Steering gear — Values of torques
ISO 4052:1983 Coffee — Determination of caffeine content (Reference method) [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4053 Measurement of gas flow in conduits — Tracer methods
ISO 4053-1:1977 Part 1: General [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4053-4:1978 Part 4: Transit time method using radioactive tracers [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4054:1980 Couplers, loose spigots and base-plates for use in working scaffolds made of steel tubes — Requirements and test procedure [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4055:1977 Road vehicles — Caravans and light trailers — Electromagnetic braking [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4056:1978 Polyethylene (PE) pipes and fittings — Designation of polyethylene, based on nominal density and melt flow index [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 10162]
ISO 4057:1986 Information processing – Data interchange on 6,30 mm (0.25 in) magnetic tape cartridge, 63 bpmm (1 600 bpi) phase-encoded [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4058:1977 Magnesium and its alloys — Determination of nickel — Photometric method using dimethylglyoxime [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4059:1978 Polyethylene (PE) pipes — Pressure drop in mechanical pipe-jointing systems — Method of test and requirements
ISO 4060 Road vehicles — Seat belts — Adjusting devices [Rejected draft]
ISO 4061 Soldering — Quality requirements for soldering of metallic materials [Under development; original draft ISO 4061 was Road vehicles — Seat belts equipment with push-button buckles — Handling characteristics]
ISO 4062:1977 Dictation equipment — Symbols [Withdrawn: replaced by ISO 13251]
ISO 4063:2009 Welding and allied processes – Nomenclature of processes and reference numbers
ISO 4064 Water meters for cold potable water and hot water
ISO 4064-1:2014 Part 1: Metrological and technical requirements
ISO 4064-2:2014 Part 2: Test methods
ISO 4064-3:2014 Part 3: Test report format
ISO 4064-4:2014 Part 4: Non-metrological requirements not covered in ISO 4064-1
ISO 4064-5:2014 Part 5: Installation requirements
ISO 4065:2018 Thermoplastics pipes — Universal wall thickness table
ISO 4066:1994 Construction drawings — Bar scheduling [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 3766]
ISO 4067 Technical drawings — Installations
ISO 4067-1:1984 Part 1: Graphical symbols for plumbing, heating, ventilation and ducting [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4067-2:1980 Part 2: Simplified representation of sanitary appliances [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4067-3:1984 Part 3: Graphical symbols for automatic control [Rejected draft later published as ISO/TR 8545]
ISO 4067-6:1985 Part 6: Graphical symbols for supply water and drainage systems in the ground [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4068:1978 Building and civil engineering drawings — Reference lines [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4069:1977 Building and civil engineering drawings — Representation of areas on sections and views — General principles [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4070 Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) — Effect of time and temperature on expected strength [Under development; originally planned standard with this number was a rejected draft with an unknown name]
ISO 4071:1978 Indirect-reading capacitor-type pocket exposure meters and accessory electrometers [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 11934, now withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4072:1982 Green coffee in bags — Sampling
ISO 4073:2009 Dentistry — Information system on the location of dental equipment in the working area of the oral health care provider
ISO 4074:2015 Natural latex rubber condoms – Requirements and test methods
ISO 4075 Polysulfone (PSU) — Effect of time and temperature on expected strength [Under development; originally planned standard with this number was a rejected draft with an unknown name]
ISO 4076 Polyphenylsulphone (PPSU) — Effect of time and temperature on expected strength [Under development; originally planned standard with this number was a rejected draft with an unknown name]
ISO 4077 Coal preparation plant — Guide to sampling in coal preparation plants [Under development; originally planned standard with this number was a rejected draft with an unknown name]
ISO 4079:2020 Rubber hoses and hose assemblies — Textile-reinforced hydraulic types for oil-based or water-based fluids — Specification
ISO 4080:2009 Rubber and plastics hoses and hose assemblies — Determination of permeability to gas
ISO 4081:2016 Rubber hoses and tubing for cooling systems for internal-combustion engines — Specification
ISO 4082:1981 Road vehicles — Motor vehicles — Flasher units
ISO 4083 Dental operating chair — General requirements [Rejected Draft]
ISO 4084:1977 Aircraft — Repairable contactors (not hermetically sealed) — Performance requirements [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4085:1979 Shipbuilding — Inland navigation — Swing derricks [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4086:2001 Road vehicles — 90 semi-trailer fifth wheel kingpin — Interchangeability
ISO 4087:2005 Micrographics – Microfilming of newspapers for archival purposes on 35 mm microfilm
ISO/TR 4088:1977 Rubber Thread – Classification [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4089:1979 Shipbuilding — Inland navigation — Sealing rubber for covers of cargo hatches
ISO 4090:2001 Photography — Medical radiographic cassettes/screens/films and hard-copy imaging films — Dimensions and specifications
ISO 4091:2003 Road vehicles — Connectors for the electrical connection of towing and towed vehicles — Definitions, tests and requirements
ISO 4092:1988 Road vehicles — Diagnostic systems for motor vehicles — Vocabulary [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4093:1999 Diesel engines — Fuel injection pumps — High-pressure pipes for testing
ISO 4094:2017 Paper, board and pulps — General requirements for the competence of laboratories authorized for the issue of optical reference transfer standards of level 3
ISO 4095:1998 Aerospace — Bihexagonal drives — Wrenching configuration — Metric series
ISO 4096:1978 Essential oils (containing tertiary alcohols) — Evaluation of free alcohols content by determination of ester value after cold formylation [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4097:2020 Rubber, ethylene-propylene-diene (EPDM) — Evaluation procedure
ISO 4098:2018 Leather — Chemical tests — Determination of water-soluble matter, water-soluble inorganic matter and water-soluble organic matter
ISO 4099:1984 Cheese — Determination of nitrate and nitrite contents — Method by cadmium reduction and photometry [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 14673-(1-3)]
ISO 4100:1980 Road vehicles — World parts manufacturer identifier (WPMI) code
ISO 4101:1983 Drawn steel wire for elevator ropes — Specifications
ISO 4102:1984 Equipment for crop protection — Sprayers — Connection threading
ISO 4103:1979 Concrete — Classification of consistency [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4104:1984 Dental zinc polycarboxylate cements [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 9917]
ISO 4105:1978 Textile machinery and accessories — Wires for flexible card clothings
ISO 4106:2012 Motorcycles — Engine test code — Net power
ISO 4107:2010 Commercial vehicles — Wheel-hub attachment dimensions
ISO 4108:1980 Concrete — Determination of tensile splitting strength of test specimens [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 1920-4]
ISO 4109:1980 Fresh concrete — Determination of the consistency — Slump test [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 1920-2]
ISO 4110:1979 Fresh concrete — Determination of the consistency — Vebe test [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 1920-2]
ISO 4111:1979 Fresh concrete — Determination of consistency — Degree of compactibility (Compaction index) [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 1920-2]
ISO 4112:1990 Cereals and pulses — Guidance on measurement of the temperature of grain stored in bulk
ISO 4113:2010 Road vehicles — Calibration fluids for diesel injection equipment
ISO/TR 4114:1979 Road vehicles — Caravans and light trailers — Static load on ball couplings [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4115:1997 Air cargo equipment — Air/land pallet nets
ISO 4116:1986 Air cargo equipment — Ground equipment requirements for compatibility with aircraft unit load devices
ISO 4117:1993 Air and air/land cargo pallets — Specification and testing
ISO 4118:2016 Air cargo — Non-certified lower deck containers — Design and testing
ISO 4119:1995 Pulps — Determination of stock concentration
ISO 4120:2021 Sensory analysis — Methodology — Triangle test
ISO 4121:2003 Sensory analysis — Guidelines for the use of quantitative response scales
ISO/TR 4122:1977 Equipment for working the soil — Dimensions of flat disks — Type A [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4123:1979 Belt conveyors — Impact rings for carrying idlers and discs for return idlers — Main dimensions
ISO 4124:1994 Liquid hydrocarbons — Dynamic measurement — Statistical control of volumetric metering systems
ISO 4125:1991 Dry fruits and dried fruits – Definitions and nomenclature
ISO 4126 Safety devices for protection against excessive pressure
ISO 4126-1:2013 Part 1: Safety valves
ISO 4126-2:2018 Part 2: Bursting disc safety devices
ISO 4126-3:2020 Part 3: Safety valves and bursting disc safety devices in combination
ISO 4126-4:2013 Part 4: Pilot operated safety valves
ISO 4126-5:2013 Part 5: Controlled safety pressure relief systems (CSPRS)
ISO 4126-6:2014 Part 6: Application, selection and installation of bursting disc safety devices
ISO 4126-7:2013 Part 7: Common data
ISO 4126-9:2008 Part 9: Application and installation of safety devices excluding stand-alone bursting disc safety devices
ISO 4126-10:2010 Part 10: Sizing of safety valves for gas/liquid two-phase flow
ISO 4127 Shipbuilding — Inland navigation — Fairleads
ISO 4127-1:1979 Part 1: Two-lip fairleads
ISO 4127-2:1979 Part 2: Two-Roller fairleads
ISO 4128:1985 Aircraft — Air mode modular containers
ISO 4129:2012 Road vehicles – Mopeds – Symbols for controls, indicators and tell-tales [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4130:1978 Road vehicles – Three-dimensional reference system and fiducial marks – Definitions
ISO 4131:1979 Road vehicles — Dimensional codes for passenger cars
ISO 4132:1979 Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and metal adaptor fittings for pipes under pressure — Laying lengths and size of threads — Metric series
ISO 4133:1979 Meat and meat products — Determination of glucono-delta-lactone content (Reference method) [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4134:2021 Meat and meat products — Determination of L-(+)-glutamic acid content — Reference method
ISO 4135:2022 Anaesthetic and respiratory equipment – Vocabulary
ISO 4136:2012 Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials — Transverse tensile test
ISO/TR 4137:1978 Plastics — Determination of modulus of elasticity by alternating flexure [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4138:2021 Passenger cars — Steady-state circular driving behaviour — Open-loop test methods
ISO 4139:1979 Ferrosilicon – Determination of aluminium content – Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method
ISO 4140:1979 Ferrochromium and ferrosilicochromium – Determination of chromium content – Potentiometric method
ISO 4141 Road vehicles — Multi-core connecting cables
ISO 4141-1:2019 Part 1: Test methods and requirements for basic performance sheathed cables
ISO 4141-2:2019 Part 2: Test methods and requirements for high performance sheathed cables
ISO 4141-3:2019 Part 3: Construction, dimensions and marking of unscreened sheathed low-voltage cables
ISO 4141-4:2009 Part 4: Test methods and requirements for coiled cable assemblies
ISO 4142:2002 Laboratory glassware — Test tubes
ISO 4143:1981 Shipbuilding — Inland vessels — Open rowing lifeboats
ISO 4144:2003 Pipework — Stainless steel fittings threaded in accordance with ISO 7-1
ISO 4145:1986 Non-alloy steel fittings threaded to ISO 7-1
ISO 4146:1980 Shipbuilding — Inland vessels — Manholes [Withdrawn: replaced by ISO 5894]
ISO 4147:1997 Aerospace — Nuts, hexagonal, slotted (castellated), normal height, normal across flats, with MJ threads, classifications: 600 MPa (at ambient temperature)/120 degrees C, 600 MPa (at ambient temperature)/235 degrees C, 900 MPa (at ambient temperature)/425 degrees C, 1 100 MPa (at ambient temperature)/235 degrees C, 1 100 MPa (at ambient temperature)/315 degrees C, 1 100 MPa (at ambient temperature)/650 degrees C, 1 210 MPa (at ambient temperature)/730 degrees C, 1 250 MPa (at ambient temperature)/235 degrees C and 1 550 MPa (at ambient temperature)/600 degrees C — Dimensions
ISO 4148:2004 Road vehicles — Special warning lamps — Dimensions
ISO 4149:2005 Green coffee — Olfactory and visual examination and determination of foreign matter and defects
ISO 4150:2011 Green coffee or raw coffee — Size analysis — Manual and machine sieving
ISO 4151:1987 Road vehicles — Mopeds — Type, location and functions of controls [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4152 Glass‐reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) pipes — Determination of the apparent axial long‐term modulus of pipes subject to beam bending [Originally planned ISO 4152 was Welder's test on non-alloy and low-alloy steels for manual metal arc welding]
ISO 4153:1981 Aircraft — Pressure fuel dispensing system — Test procedure and limit value for shut-off surge pressure
ISO 4154 Traditional Chinese medicine — Sinomenium acutum stem [Under development]
ISO 4155 Magnesium and magnesium alloys — Determination of nickel — Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometric method [Under development]
ISO 4156 Straight cylindrical involute splines — Metric module, side fit
ISO 4156-1:2021 Part 1: Generalities
ISO 4156-2:2021 Part 2: Dimensions
ISO 4156-3:2021 Part 3: Inspection
ISO 4157 Construction drawings – Designation systems
ISO 4158:1978 Ferrosilicon, ferrosilicomanganese and ferrosilicochromium – Determination of silicon content – Gravimetric method
ISO 4159:1978 Ferromanganese and ferrosilicomanganese – Determination of manganese content – Potentiometric method
ISO 4160 Hexagon nuts and bolts with flange, style 1 — Small Series — Product grade B [Draft merged into ISO 4161 and ISO 4162]
ISO 4161:2012 Hexagon nuts with flange, style 2 — Coarse thread
ISO 4162:2012 Hexagon bolts with flange — Small series — Product grade A with driving feature of product grade B
ISO 4164:2012 Mopeds — Engine test code — Net power
ISO 4165 Road vehicles — Electrical connections — Double-pole connection
ISO 4166:1979 Hexagon nuts for fine mechanics — Product grade F [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4167:2012 Polyolefin agricultural twines
ISO 4168:2002 Timekeeping instruments — Conditions for carrying out checks on radioluminescent deposits [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4169:1979 Office machines — Keyboards — Key numbering system and layout charts
ISO 4170:1995 Air cargo equipment — Interline pallet nets
ISO 4171:1993 Air cargo equipment — Interline pallets
ISO 4172:1991 Technical drawings – Construction drawings – Drawings for the assembly of prefabricated structures
ISO 4173:1980 Ferromolybdenum – Determination of molybdenum content – Gravimetric method
ISO 4174:1998 Cereals, oilseeds and pulses — Measurement of unit pressure loss in one-dimensional air flow through bulk grain
ISO 4175:1979 Shipbuilding — Shipborne barges, series 1 — Main dimensions
ISO 4176:1981 Fertilizers — Determination of nitrate nitrogen content — Nitron gravimetric method [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4177 Magnesium and magnesium alloys – Determination of chromium – Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometric method [Under development; original draft with this number unknown]
ISO 4178:1980 Complete, filled transport packages — Distribution trials — Information to be recorded
ISO 4179 Ductile iron pipes and fittings for pressure and non-pressure pipelines – Cement mortar lining
ISO 4180:2019 Packaging — Complete, filled transport packages — General rules for the compilation of performance test schedules
ISO 4181 Magnesium and magnesium alloys — Determination of strontium — Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometric method [Under development; original draft with this number unknown]
ISO 4182:1999 Motor vehicles — Measurement of variations in dipped-beam headlamp angle as a function of load [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4183:1995 Belt drives — Classical and narrow V-belts — Grooved pulleys (system based on datum width)
ISO 4184:1992 Belt drives — Classical and narrow V-belts — Lengths in datum system
ISO 4185:1980 Measurement of liquid flow in closed conduits – Weighing method
ISO 4186:1980 Asparagus — Guide to storage
ISO 4187:1980 Horse-radish — Guide to storage
ISO 4188 Magnesium and magnesium alloys – Determination of arsenic – Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometric method [Under development; original draft with this number unknown]
ISO 4189 Magnesium and magnesium alloys — Determination of sodium — Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometric method [Under development; original draft with this number unknown]
ISO 4190 Lift (US: Elevator) installation
ISO 4190-1:2010 Part 1: Class I, II, III and VI lifts [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 8100-30]
ISO 4190-2:2001 Part 2: Class IV lifts
ISO 4190-3:1982 Part 3: Service lifts class V
ISO 4190-5:2006 Part 5: Control devices, signals and additional fittings
ISO 4190-6:1984 Part 6: Passenger lifts to be installed in residential buildings — Planning and selection [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 8100-32]
ISO/TR 4191:2014 Plastics piping systems for water supply — Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride)(PVC-U) and oriented PVC-U (PVC-O) — Guidance for installation
ISO 4192:1981 Aluminium and aluminium alloys — Determination of lead content — Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method
ISO 4193:1981 Aluminium and aluminium alloys — Determination of chromium content — Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method
ISO 4194:1981 Magnesium alloys — Determination of zinc content — Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method
ISO 4195:2012 Conveyor belts with heat-resistant rubber covers — Heat resistance of covers — Requirements and test methods
ISO 4196:1984 Graphical symbols — Use of arrows [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 80416-2]
ISO 4197:1989 Equipment for working the soil — Hoe blades — Fixing dimensions
ISO 4198:1984 Surface active agents — Detergents for hand dishwashing — Guide for comparative testing of performance
ISO 4199:1979 Plain bearings — Shaft diameters for unsplit bushes [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4200:1991 Plain end steel tubes, welded and seamless — General tables of dimensions and masses per unit length
ISO 4202:2016 Reduction sleeves with external 7/24 taper for tools with Morse taper shanks
ISO 4203:1978 Parallel shank tools — Driving tenons and sockets — Dimensions [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4204:2016 Countersinks, 90°, with Morse taper shanks and detachable pilots
ISO 4205:2016 Countersinks, 90°, with parallel shanks and solid pilots
ISO 4206:2016 Counterbores with parallel shanks and solid pilots
ISO 4207:2016 Counterbores with Morse taper shanks and detachable pilots
ISO 4208:1977 Detachable pilots for use with counterbores and 90 degrees countersinks — Dimensions
ISO 4209 Truck and bus tyres and rims (metric series)
ISO 4209-1:2001 Part 1: Tyres
ISO 4209-2:2020 Part 2: Rims
ISO 4210 Cycles — Safety requirements for bicycles
ISO 4210-1:2014 Part 1: Terms and definitions
ISO 4210-2:2015 Part 2: Requirements for city and trekking, young adult, mountain and racing bicycles
ISO 4210-3:2014 Part 3: Common test methods
ISO 4210-4:2014 Part 4: Braking test methods
ISO 4210-5:2014 Part 5: Steering test methods
ISO 4210-6:2015 Part 6: Frame and fork test methods
ISO 4210-7:2014 Part 7: Wheels and rims test methods
ISO 4210-8:2014 Part 8: Pedal and drive system test methods
ISO 4210-9:2014 Part 9: Saddles and seat-post test methods
ISO 4211:1979 Furniture — Assessment of surface resistance to cold liquids
ISO 4211-2:2013 Part 2: Assessment of resistance to wet heat
ISO 4211-3:2013 Part 3: Assessment of resistance to dry heat
ISO 4211-4:1988 Part 4: Assessment of resistance to impact
ISO 4211-5:2021 Part 5: Assessment of resistance to abrasion
ISO 4212 Corrosion of Metals and Alloys — Method of oxalic acid etching test for intergranular corrosion of austenitic stainless steel [Under development; original draft with this number unknown]
ISO 4213.2 Information technology — Artificial Intelligence — Assessment of machine learning classification performance [Under development; original draft with this number unknown]
ISO 4214 Milk and milk products — Determination of amino acids in infant formula and other dairy products [Under development; original draft with this number unknown]
ISO 4215 Corrosion of metals and alloys — Test method for high-temperature corrosion testing of metallic materials by thermogravimetry under isothermal or cyclic conditions [Under development; original draft with this number unknown]
ISO 4216:2021 Thermosetting resin and UV curable resin — Determination of shrinkage by continuous measurement method [Original draft with this number unknown]
ISO 4217:2015 Codes for the representation of currencies
ISO 4218 Printing machines — Vocabulary
ISO 4218-1:1979 Part 1: Fundamental terms
ISO 4219:1979 Air quality — Determination of gaseous sulphur compounds in ambient air — Sampling equipment
ISO 4220:1983 Ambient air — Determination of a gaseous acid air pollution index — Titrimetric method with indicator or potentiometric end-point detection
ISO 4221:1980 Air quality — Determination of mass concentration of sulphur dioxide in ambient air — Thorin spectrophotometric method
ISO 4222 Ambient air — Measurement of particulate fall-out — Horizontal deposit gauge method [Rejected draft]
ISO 4223 Definitions of some terms used in the tyre industry
ISO 4223-1:2017 Part 1: Pneumatic tyres
ISO 4223-2:1991 Part 2: Solid tyres
ISO 4224:2000 Ambient air — Determination of carbon monoxide — Non-dispersive infrared spectrometric method
ISO 4225:2020 Air quality – General aspects – Vocabulary
ISO 4226:2007 Air quality – General aspects – Units of measurement
ISO/TR 4227:1989 Planning of ambient air quality monitoring
ISO 4228:1986 Spanners and wrenches — Spline drive ends for power socket wrenches
ISO 4229:2017 Assembly tools for screws and nuts — Single-head engineer's wrenches for lower torque applications — Maximum outside dimensions of heads and test torques
ISO 4230:2016 Hand- and machine-operated circular screwing dies for taper pipe threads — R series
ISO 4231:2016 Hand- and machine-operated circular screwing dies for parallel pipe threads — G series
ISO 4232 Office machines – Minimum information to be included in specification sheets
ISO 4232-1:1979 Part 1: Duplicators [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4232-2:1980 Part 2: Document copying machines
ISO 4232-3:1984 Part 3: Postal franking machines [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4233 Hot helium leak testing method for high temperature pressure-bearing components in nuclear fusion reactors [Under development; original draft with this number unknown]
ISO 4238:1976 Cinematography — Optical printing ratios for enlargement and reduction of motion-picture film images — Specifications
ISO 4240-1 Fine bubble technology — Environmental applications — Part 1: Inspection method using online particle counter in dissolved air flotation (DAF) plant [Under development; original draft with this number unknown, but relates to Cinematography]
ISO 4241:2019 Cinematography — Projection film leader (time-based), trailer and cue marks — Specifications
ISO 4242:1980 Cinematography — Recording head gaps for two sound records on 16 mm magnetic film — Positions and width dimensions
ISO 4243:1979 Cinematography — Picture image area and photographic sound record on 16 mm motion-picture release prints — Positions and dimensions
ISO 4244:1979 Cinematography — Photographic sound record on 8 mm Type S motion-picture prints — Position and width dimensions [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4245 Cinematography — Projector usage of 16 mm motion-picture films for direct front projection — Specifications [Draft numbered as ISO 26, which the draft was a revision of]
ISO 4246:1994 Cinematography – Vocabulary
ISO 4247:1977 Jig bushes and accessories for drilling purposes — Dimensions [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4248:1978 Jig bushes – Definitions and nomenclature
ISO 4249 Motorcycle tyres and rims (Code-designated series)
ISO 4249-1:1985 Part 1: Tyres
ISO 4249-2:1990 Part 2: Tyre load ratings
ISO 4249-3:2010 Part 3: Rims
ISO 4250 Earth-mover tyres and rims
ISO 4250-1:2017 Part 1: Tyre designation and dimensions
ISO 4250-2:2017 Part 2: Loads and inflation pressures
ISO 4250-3:2020 Part 3: Rims
ISO 4251 Code designated diagonal tyres (ply rating marked series) for agricultural tractors, trailers and machines
ISO 4251-1:2019 Part 1: Tyre designation and dimensions, and approved rim contours
ISO 4251-2:2019 Part 2: Tyre load ratings
ISO 4251-3:2006 Part 3: Rims [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 18804]
ISO 4251-4:2010 Part 4: Tyre classification and nomenclature [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4251-5:1992 Part 5: Logging and forestry service tyres [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 18807]
ISO 4252:2007 Agricultural tractors — Operator's workplace, access and exit — Dimensions
ISO 4253:1993 Agricultural tractors — Operator's seating accommodation — Dimensions
ISO 4254 Agricultural machinery — Safety
ISO 4254-1:2013 Part 1: General requirements
ISO 4254-2:1986 Part 2: Anhydrous ammonia applicators [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4254-3:1992 Part 3: Tractors [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 26322-(1,2)]
ISO 4254-4:1990 Part 4: Forestry winches [Withdrawn: replaced by ISO 19472]
ISO 4254-5:2018 Part 5: Power-driven soil-working machines
ISO 4254-6:2020 Part 6: Sprayers and liquid fertilizer distributors
ISO 4254-7:2017 Part 7: Combine harvesters, forage harvesters, cotton harvesters and sugar cane harvesters
ISO 4254-8:2018 Part 8: Solid fertilizer distributors
ISO 4254-9:2018 Part 9: Seed drills
ISO 4254-10:2009 Part 10: Rotary tedders and rakes
ISO 4254-11:2010 Part 11: Pick-up balers
ISO 4254-12:2012 Part 12: Rotary disc and drum mowers and flail mowers
ISO 4254-13:2012 Part 13: Large rotary mowers
ISO 4254-14:2016 Part 14: Bale wrappers
ISO 4254-15 Part 15: Row-crop flail mowers [Abandoned draft]
ISO 4254-16:2018 Part 16: Portable agricultural grain augers
ISO 4254-17:2022 Part 17: Root crop harvesters
ISO 4256:1996 Liquefied petroleum gases — Determination of gauge vapour pressure — LPG method
ISO 4257:2001 Liquefied petroleum gases — Method of sampling
ISO 4259 Petroleum and related products — Precision of measurement methods and results
ISO 4259-1:2017 Part 1: Determination of precision data in relation to methods of test
ISO 4259-2:2017 Part 2: Interpretation and application of precision data in relation to methods of test
ISO 4259-3:2020 Part 3: Monitoring and verification of published precision data in relation to methods of test
ISO 4259-4:2021 Part 4: Use of statistical control charts to validate 'in-statistical-control' status for the execution of a standard test method in a single laboratory
ISO 4260:1987 Petroleum products and hydrocarbons — Determination of sulfur content — Wickbold combustion method [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4261:2013 Petroleum products — Fuels (class F) — Specifications of gas turbine fuels for industrial and marine applications
ISO 4262:1993 Petroleum products — Determination of carbon residue — Ramsbottom method
ISO 4263 Petroleum and related products — Determination of the ageing behaviour of inhibited oils and fluids — TOST test
ISO 4263-1:2003 Part 1: Procedure for mineral oils
ISO 4263-2:2003 Part 2: Procedure for category HFC hydraulic fluids
ISO 4263-3:2015 Part 3: Anhydrous procedure for synthetic hydraulic fluids
ISO 4263-4:2006 Part 4: Procedure for industrial gear oils
ISO 4264:2018 Petroleum products — Calculation of cetane index of middle-distillate fuels by the four variable equation
ISO 4265:1986 Petroleum products — Lubricating oils and additives — Determination of phosphorus content — Quinoline phosphomolybdate method [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4266 Petroleum and liquid petroleum products — Measurement of level and temperature in storage tanks by automatic methods
ISO 4266-1:2002 Part 1: Measurement of level in atmospheric tanks
ISO 4266-2:2002 Part 2: Measurement of level in marine vessels
ISO 4266-3:2002 Part 3: Measurement of level in pressurized storage tanks (non-refrigerated)
ISO 4266-4:2002 Part 4: Measurement of temperature in atmospheric tanks
ISO 4266-5:2002 Part 5: Measurement of temperature in marine vessels
ISO 4266-6:2002 Part 6: Measurement of temperature in pressurized storage tanks (non-refrigerated)
ISO 4267 Petroleum and liquid petroleum products — Calculation of oil quantities
ISO 4267-1 Part 1: Static measurement [Rejected draft]
ISO 4267-2:1988 Part 2: Dynamic measurement
ISO 4268:2000 Petroleum and liquid petroleum products — Temperature measurements — Manual methods
ISO 4269:2001 Petroleum and liquid petroleum products — Tank calibration by liquid measurement — Incremental method using volumetric meters
ISO 4270 Petroleum products – Determination of density and relative density – Reischauer pyknometer method [Rejected draft]
ISO 4271 Petroleum products – Determination of density and relative density – Conical pyknometer method [Rejected draft]
ISO 4272 Intelligent transport systems — Truck platooning systems (TPS) — Functional and operational requirements [Under development; original draft with this number unknown]
ISO 4273 Intelligent transport systems — Automated braking during low speed manoeuvring (ABLS) — Requirements and test procedures [Under development; original draft with this number unknown]
ISO 4274:1977 Urea for industrial use — Determination of biuret content — Flame atomic absorption and photometric absorption methods [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4275:1977 Ammonium hydrogen carbonate for industrial use (including foodstuffs) — Determination of arsenic content — Silver diethyldithiocarbamate photometric method [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4276:1978 Anhydrous ammonia for industrial use — Evaluation of residue on evaporation — Gravimetric method [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO/TR 4277:2009 Cryolite, natural and artificial — Conventional test for evaluation of free fluorides content
ISO 4278:1977 Sodium fluoride for industrial use — Determination of carbonate content — Gravimetric method [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4279:1977 Aluminium fluoride for industrial use — Determination of sodium content — Flame emission spectrophotometric method [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4280:1977 Cryolite, natural and artificial, and aluminium fluoride for industrial use — Determination of sulphate content — Barium sulphate gravimetric method
ISO 4281:1977 Sodium hexafluorosilicate for industrial use — Determination of free acidity and total hexafluorosilicate content — Titrimetric method
ISO 4282:1992 Acid-grade and ceramic-grade fluorspar — Determination of loss in mass at 105 degrees C [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4283:1993 All grades of fluorspar — Determination of carbonate content — Titrimetric method [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4284:1993 Acid-grade and ceramic-grade fluorspar — Determination of sulfide content — Iodometric method [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4285:1977 Phosphoric acid for industrial use — Guide to sampling techniques
ISO 4286:2021 Intelligent transport systems — Use cases for sharing of probe data [Original draft with this number unknown]
ISO 4287:1997 Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) – Surface texture: Profile method – Terms, definitions and surface texture parameters [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 21920-2]
ISO 4288:1996 Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) – Surface texture: Profile method – Rules and procedures for the assessment of surface texture [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 21920-3]
ISO 4289 Recommendation and specification of HVOF cermet coatings for metallurgical roll components [Under development; originally planned ISO 4289 was Instruments for the measurement of surface roughness by the profile method contact (stylus) instruments of consecutive profile transformation - Profile recording instruments calibration and means]
ISO 4290 Agricultural wheeled tractors and attachments — Front loaders — Dimensional and operational ratings [Under development; original draft with this number unknown]
ISO 4291:1985 Methods for the assessment of departure from roundness – Measurement of variations in radius
ISO 4292:1985 Methods for the assessment of departure from roundness — Measurement by two- and three-point methods [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4293:1982 Manganese ores and concentrates — Determination of phosphorus content — Extraction-molybdovanadate photometric method
ISO 4294:1984 Manganese ores and concentrates — Determination of copper content — Extraction-spectrometric and spectrometric methods [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4295:1988 Manganese ores and concentrates — Determination of aluminium content — Photometric and gravimetric methods
ISO 4296 Manganese ores — Sampling
ISO 4296-1:1984 Part 1: Increment sampling
ISO 4296-2:1983 Part 2: Preparation of samples
ISO 4297:1978 Manganese ores and concentrates — Methods of chemical analysis — General instructions
ISO 4298:1984 Manganese ores and concentrates — Determination of manganese content — Potentiometric method
ISO 4299:1989 Manganese ores — Determination of moisture content
ISO 4300:1984 Manganese ores and concentrates — Determination of lead content — Polarographic methods [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4301 Cranes – Classification
ISO 4301-1:2016 Part 1: General
ISO 4301-2:2020 Part 2: Mobile cranes
ISO 4301-3:2021 Part 3: Tower cranes
ISO 4301-4:1989 Part 4: Jib cranes
ISO 4301-5:1991 Part 5: Overhead travelling and portal bridge cranes
ISO 4302:2016 Cranes — Wind load assessment
ISO 4304:1987 Cranes other than mobile and floating cranes — General requirements for stability
ISO 4305:2014 Mobile cranes — Determination of stability
ISO 4306 Cranes – Vocabulary
ISO 4306-1:2007 Part 1: General
ISO 4306-2:2012 Part 2: Mobile cranes
ISO 4306-3:2016 Part 3: Tower cranes
ISO 4306-4:2020 Part 4: Jib cranes
ISO 4306-5:2005 Part 5: Bridge and gantry cranes
ISO 4307:2021 Molecular in vitro diagnostic examinations — Specifications for pre-examination processes for saliva — Isolated human DNA [Original draft with this number was related to cranes]
ISO 4308 Cranes and lifting appliances — Selection of wire ropes
ISO 4308-1:2003 Part 1: General [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 16625]
ISO 4308-2:1988 Part 2: Mobile cranes — Coefficient of utilization [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 16625]
ISO 4309:2017 Cranes — Wire ropes — Care and maintenance, inspection and discard
ISO 4310:2009 Cranes — Test code and procedures
ISO 4311:1979 Anionic and non-ionic surface active agents — Determination of the critical micellization concentration — Method by measuring surface tension with a plate, stirrup or ring
ISO 4312:1989 Surface active agents — Evaluation of certain effects of laundering — Methods of analysis and test for unsoiled cotton control cloth
ISO 4313:1976 Washing powders — Determination of total phosphorus(V) oxide content — Quinoline phosphomolybdate gravimetric method
ISO 4314:1977 Surface active agents — Determination of free alkalinity or free acidity — Titrimetric method
ISO 4315:1977 Surface active agents — Determination of alkalinity — Titrimetric method
ISO 4316:1977 Surface active agents — Determination of pH of aqueous solutions — Potentiometric method
ISO 4317:2011 Surface-active agents and detergents — Determination of water content — Karl Fischer methods
ISO 4318:1989 Surface active agents and soaps — Determination of water content — Azeotropic distillation method
ISO 4319:1977 Surface active agents — Detergents for washing fabrics — Guide for comparative testing of performance
ISO 4320:1977 Non-ionic surface active agents — Determination of cloud point index — Volumetric method
ISO 4321:1977 Washing powders — Determination of active oxygen content — Titrimetric method
ISO 4322:1977 Non-ionic surface active agents — Determination of sulphated ash — Gravimetric method
ISO 4323:2018 Soaps — Determination of chloride content — Potentiometric method
ISO 4324:1977 Surface active agents — Powders and granules — Measurement of the angle of repose
ISO 4325:1990 Soaps and detergents — Determination of chelating agent content — Titrimetric method
ISO 4326:1980 Non-ionic surface active agents — Polyethoxylated derivatives — Determination of hydroxyl value — Acetic anhydride method
ISO 4327:1979 Non-ionic surface active agents — Polyalkoxylated derivatives — Determination of hydroxyl value — Phthalic anhydride method
ISO 4328 Centre holes [Rejected draft]
ISO 4329 Shaft ends with woodruff keys [Rejected draft]
ISO 4330:1994 Photography — Determination of the curl of photographic film and paper [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 18910]
ISO 4331:1986 Photography — Processed photographic black-and-white film for archival records — Silver-gelatin type on cellulose ester base — Specifications [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 10602, now replaced with ISO 18901]
ISO 4332:1986 Photography — Processed photographic black-and-white film for archival records — Silver-gelatin type on poly(ethylene terephthalate) base — Specifications [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 10602, now replaced with ISO 18901]
ISO 4333 Textiles — Determination of reduction activity of specific proteins derived from pollen, mite and other sources on textile products [Under development; original draft with this number unknown]
ISO 4334 Fruit puree — Specifications and test methods [Under development; original draft with this number unknown]
ISO/IEC 4335:1993 Information technology —- Telecommunications and information exchange between systems — High-level data link control (HDLC) procedures — Elements of procedures [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO/IEC 13239]
ISO 4336:1981 Numerical control of machines — Specification of interface signals between the numerical control unit and the electrical equipment of an NC machine [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4337:1977 Information processing – Interchangeable magnetic twelve-disk pack (100 Mbytes) [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4338 Information processing – Magnetic tape cassette [Rejected draft; a later proposed ISO 4338 Conceptual model and system architecture of smart classroom was deleted in 2021]
ISO 4339:2022 Information technology for learning, education and training — Reference model for information and communications technology (ICT) evaluation in education [Original draft with this number related to Information processing]
ISO 4340 Water aggressiveness evaluation and optimized lining choice [Under development; original draft with this number related to Information processing]
ISO 4341:1978 Information processing – Magnetic tape cassette and cartridge labelling and file structure for information interchange
ISO 4342:1985 Numerical control of machines — NC processor input — Basic part program reference language
ISO 4343:2000 Industrial automation systems — Numerical control of machines — NC processor output — Post processor commands
ISO 4344:2004 Steel wire ropes for lifts — Minimum requirements
ISO 4345:1988 Steel wire ropes — Fibre main cores — Specification
ISO 4346:1977 Steel wire ropes for general purposes – Lubricants – Basic requirements
ISO 4347:2015 Leaf chains, clevises and sheaves — Dimensions, measuring forces, tensile strengths and dynamic strengths
ISO 4348:1983 Flat-top chains and associated chain wheels for conveyors [Withdrawn without replacement]
ISO 4349 Solid recovered fuels — Method for the determination of the Recycling-Index [Under development; original draft with this number unknown]
ISO 4359:2013 Flow measurement structures – Rectangular, trapezoidal and U-shaped flumes
ISO 4360:2008 Hydrometry – Open channel flow measurement using triangular profile weirs
ISO 4362:1999 Hydrometric determinations – Flow measurement in open channels using structures – Trapezoidal broad-crested weirs
ISO 4363:2002 Measurement of liquid flow in open channels – Methods for measurement of characteristics of suspended sediment
ISO 4364:1997 Measurement of liquid flow in open channels – Bed material sampling
ISO 4365:2005 Liquid flow in open channels – Sediment in streams and canals – Determination of concentration, particle size distribution and relative density
ISO 4366:2007 Hydrometry – Echo sounders for water depth measurements
ISO 4369:1979 Measurement of liquid flow in open channels – Moving-boat method
ISO 4371:1984 Measurement of liquid flow in open channels by weirs and flumes – End depth method for estimation of flow in non-rectangular channels with a free overfall (approximate method)
ISO 4373:2008 Hydrometry – Water level measuring devices
ISO 4374:1990 Liquid flow measurement in open channels – Round-nose horizontal broad-crested weirs
ISO 4375:2014 Hydrometry – Cableway systems for stream gauging
ISO 4377:2012 Hydrometric determinations – Flow measurement in open channels using structures – Flat-V weirs
ISO 4378 Plain bearings – Terms, definitions, classification and symbols
ISO 4378-1:2017 Part 1: Design, bearing materials and their properties
ISO 4378-2:2017 Part 2: Friction and wear
ISO 4378-3:2017 Part 3: Lubrication
ISO 4378-4:2009 Part 4: Basic symbols
ISO 4378-5:2009 Part 5: Application of symbols
ISO/TR 4378-6:2012 Part 6: Abbreviated terms
ISO 4412 Hydraulic fluid power – Test code for determination of airborne noise levels
ISO 4412-1:1991 Part 1: Pumps
ISO 4412-2:1991 Part 2: Motors
ISO 4412-3:1991 Part 3: Pumps – Method using a parallelepiped microphone array
ISO 4413:2010 Hydraulic fluid power – General rules and safety requirements for systems and their components
ISO 4422 Pipes and fittings made of unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) for water supply — Specifications
ISO 4422-1:1996 Part 1: General [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 1452-1]
ISO 4422-2:1996 Part 2: Pipes (with or without integral sockets) [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 1452-2]
ISO 4422-3:1996 Part 3: Fittings and joints [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 1452-3]
ISO 4422-4:1996 Part 4: Valves and ancillary equipment [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 1452-4]
ISO 4422-5:1996 Part 5: Fitness for purpose of the system [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 1452-5]
ISO 4434:1977 Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC) adaptor fittings for pipes under pressure — Laying length and size of threads — Metric series [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 1452-3]
ISO 4469:1981 Wood — Determination of radial and tangential shrinkage [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 13061-13]
ISO 4481:1977 Cutlery and flatware – Nomenclature
ISO 4548 Methods of test for full-flow lubricating oil filters for internal combustion engines
ISO 4548-7:2012 Part 7: Vibration fatigue test
ISO 4551:1987 Ferroalloys – Sampling and sieve analysis
ISO 4552 Ferroalloys – Sampling and sample preparation for chemical analysis
ISO 4552-1:1987 Part 1: Ferrochromium, ferrosilicochromium, ferrosilicon, ferrosilicomanganese, ferromanganese
ISO 4552-2:1987 Part 2: Ferrotitanium, ferromolybdenum, ferrotungsten, ferroniobium, ferrovanadium
ISO 4578 Adhesives — Determination of peel resistance of high-strength adhesive bonds — Floating-roller method
ISO 4582 Plastics — Determination of changes in colour and variations in properties after exposure to daylight under glass, natural weathering or laboratory light sources
ISO 4587 Adhesives — Determination of tensile lap-shear strength of rigid-to-rigid bonded assemblies
ISO 4618:2014 Paints and varnishes – Terms and definitions
ISO 4628 Paints and varnishes – Evaluation of degradation of coatings – Designation of quantity and size of defects, and of intensity of uniform changes in appearance
ISO 4628-1 General introduction and designation system
ISO 4628-2 Assessment of degree of blistering
ISO 4628-3 Assessment of degree of rusting
ISO 4628-4 Assessment of degree of cracking
ISO 4628-5 Assessment of degree of flaking
ISO 4628-6 Assessment of degree of chalking by tape method
ISO 4628-7 Assessment of degree of chalking by velvet method
ISO 4628-8 Assessment of degree of delamination and corrosion around a scribe
ISO 4628-10 Assessment of degree of filiform corrosion
ISO 4648:1991 Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic — Determination of dimensions of test pieces and products for test purposes [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 23529]
ISO 4661 Rubber, vulcanized — Preparation of samples and test pieces
ISO 4661-1:1993 Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic — Preparation of samples and test pieces — Part 1: Physical tests [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 23529]
ISO 4661-2:2018 Rubber, vulcanized — Preparation of samples and test pieces — Part 2: Chemical tests
ISO 4683 Raw sheep skins
ISO 4683-1:1998 Part 1: Descriptions of defects
ISO 4720:2009 Essential oils – Nomenclature
ISO 4730:2017 Essential oil of Melaleuca, terpinen-4-ol type (Tea Tree oil)
ISO 4786:1977 Enclosed-scale adjustable-range thermometers
ISO 4787:2010 Laboratory glassware – Volumetric instruments – Methods for testing of capacity and for use
ISO 4788:2005 Laboratory glassware – Graduated measuring cylinders
ISO 4791 Laboratory apparatus – Vocabulary relating to apparatus made essentially from glass, porcelain or vitreous silica
ISO 4791-1:1985 Part 1: Names for items of apparatus
ISO 4795:1996 Glass for thermometer bulbs
ISO 4801:1979 Glass alcoholometers and alcohol hydrometers not incorporating a thermometer
ISO 4805:1982 Laboratory glassware – Thermo-alcoholometers and alcohol-thermohydrometers
ISO 4824:1993 Dentistry — Ceramic denture teeth [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 22112]
ISO 4831:2006 Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs – Horizontal method for the detection and enumeration of coliforms – Most probable number technique
ISO 4832:2006 Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs – Horizontal method for the enumeration of coliforms – Colony-count technique
ISO 4833 Microbiology of the food chain – Horizontal method for the enumeration of microorganisms
ISO 4833-1:2013 Part 1: Colony count at 30 degrees C by the pour plate technique
ISO 4833-2:2013 Part 2: Colony count at 30 degrees C by the surface plating technique
ISO 4848:1980 Concrete — Determination of air content of freshly mixed concrete — Pressure method [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 1920-2]
ISO 4858:1982 Wood — Determination of volumetric shrinkage [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 13061-14]
ISO 4859:1982 Wood — Determination of radial and tangential swelling [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 13061-15]
ISO 4860:1982 Wood — Determination of volumetric swelling [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 13061-16]
ISO 4866:2010 Mechanical vibration and shock – Vibration of fixed structures – Guidelines for the measurement of vibrations and evaluation of their effects on structures
ISO 4871:1996 Acoustics – Declaration and verification of noise emission values of machinery and equipment
ISO/IEC 4873:1991 Information technology – ISO 8-bit code for information interchange – Structure and rules for implementation
ISO 4875 Metal-cutting band saw blades
ISO 4875-1:2006 Part 1: Vocabulary
ISO 4880:1997 Burning behaviour of textiles and textile products – Vocabulary
ISO 4882:1979 Office machines and data processing equipment – Line spacings and character spacings
ISO 4885:2017 Ferrous materials – Heat treatments – Vocabulary
ISO 4892 Plastics – Methods of exposure to laboratory light sources
ISO 4902:1989 Information technology – Data communication – 37-pole DTE/DCE interface connector and contact number assignments
ISO 4903:1989 Information technology – Data communication – 15-pole DTE/DCE interface connector and contact number assignments
ISO/IEC 4909:2006 Identification cards – Financial transaction cards – Magnetic stripe data content for track 3
ISO 4921:2000 Knitting – Basic concepts – Vocabulary
ISO 4977 Double cold-reduced electrolytic tinplate
ISO 4977-1:1984 Part 1: Sheet [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 11949]
ISO 4977-2:1984 Part 2: Coil for subsequent cutting into sheets [Withdrawn: replaced with ISO 11949]
This list generally excludes draft versions.
ISO deliverables include "specifications" (ISO/PAS, ISO/TS), "reports" (ISO/TR), etc, which are not referred to by ISO as "standards".
The exact wording of this title varies between parts. This is the wording of the most recently published part.
"Standards catalogue". ISO.
"Freely Available Standards". ISO.
U.S. Metric Study Interim Report (1971). Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards.
Dimensional Co-ordination in Building Current Trends in ECE Countries; Report–Part 59 (1967). United Nations. Economic Commission for Europe. Committee on Housing, Building and Planning. pg. 84
"Iso 1996-1:2016".
"Iso 1999:2013".
Mechanical Engineering. The Journal of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (1975) Vol. 97. pg. 78
Der Praktiker, Volumes 30-31 (1978). Deutscher Verband für Schweisstechnik. pg. 209.
Welding Research Abroad (1975). Welding Research Council (U.S.). pg. 20.
https://www.google.com/books/edition/Wor...frontcover. {{cite web}}: Missing or empty |title= (help)
Unesco (1980). UNISIST Guide to Standards for Information Handling Part 2. ISBN 9789231018336.
External links
International Organization for Standardization
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