
Revision as of 20:14, 28 December 2024 by Benvisions (talk | contribs) (wording)
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Accounts and the profiles associated with them were added in November 2013 to handle chat and forum discussions. In 2015, the ability to save sequences under a profile was added, which is now the primary function of profiles. Profiles are also required to use the chat, but sending messages is restricted until the account is 24 hours old for security reasons and for preventing spam. Now, it also requires people to make a song before using forums.


With profiles come profile pictures, which can be set via the User Control Panel on the forum. Simple images work best as profile pictures are usually displayed as tiny icons. Forum profiles are the only place on the site where they can be displayed at full size, which is still only 100x100 pixels. Animated GIFs can be used for a profile picture and should be displayed correctly.

Group Memberships/Roles

  • Registered (on Discord it is named "OS," "Verified," or "Online Sequencer")
    • Users in this group have their username displayed in #039BE5 (blue).
    • All accounts have this role.
  • Moderator
    • The moderator color is #2962FF (dark blue)
    • Moderators monitor and regulate users on the site and the wiki.
  • Supporter (formerly titled VIP until 2023)
    • The supporter color is #03CAFC (light blue)
    • The role is to any user who donates to Fox, donated at Buymeacoffee for $5 per coffee.
  • Contest Winner
    • Monthly contests and limited events are held on OS, and top performers here can receive this role at the end of the year. It is usually revoked after 1 year.
    • The contest winner color is #F5E042 (yellow)
  • On the site, the admin color (used by Jacob_) is #F44336 (red)
  • Mechanic
    • This role is only on the OS Discord server, to recognize active developers of the site
    • On Discord, the mechanic color was #009991 (turquoise) until they removed the color.
  • R/place 2022 Robo warriors
    • Discord-specific role to recognize users who contributed to OS pixel art in the well-known 2022 Reddit event (as to paint Robo).
    • The r/place 2022 color is #92EF8D (green)
  • Notable users like bentoonie, Syntax, Vulm, and Soothsayer13 have roles and colors specific to themselves. They either requested it so or won in a large-scale event.

Please note that some group membership changes, like Supporter and Contest Winner, are not made automatically, and must be done by a moderator. Group memberships are specific to the OS site/forum and Discord roles are only on Discord. Many of them are identical between them. On Discord, a user's most important role usually indicates their name color, and all of a user's roles can be seen on their public profile. On the OS website, a single group membership can be displayed at a time, and a menu exists within the forum to choose which one this is.