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Probably one of my coolest collabs I have ever done, this is a remix by Devin Music and now a remake of the remix by me
(Collab took more than a month)
For my last two sequences, I've found that I usually just make a simple chord progression or melody and then I keep adding more things, and a chorus... When I get momentum going, I can usually finish a song in two or three days.

For this sequence, the day before the contest came out, I made this chord progression. I had it in grand piano and thought it sounded good like that. When the monthly contest theme came out, I had an idea. I could make the song rain themed, and used a clone of grand piano way detuned up as rain! After that, I pretty much just put in more instruments (all different sounding grand pianos) for the chorus, and eventually figured out the bridge, and after that it's just tweaks. I also took inspiration from Starry Drift by adding a little microtonality.

Sorry if that was hard to follow... I don't write up this kind of thing often
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