06-20-2022, 12:37 AM
hi. i went back and redid that melody generator i made a while back. heres the code
instead of python its in javascript now, so you can just go to the console in ur browser and paste this in
once you run the function, copy the output and paste it into the sequencer to hear the beautiful random melody
if you run into any issues, DM me
function generateMelody(keySignature = 'Minor', noteVarianceFactor = 30, octave = 5, note = 1, swing = false, beatCount = 16) {
note = clamp(note, 1, 12) | 0;
octave = clamp(octave, 2, 7) | 0;
while (noteVarianceFactor < 10) noteVarianceFactor += 5;
while (beatCount < 1) beatCount += 1;
let noteDict;
switch (keySignature) {
case undefined: noteDict = settings.pianoNotes; break;
case 'Major': noteDict = settings.scales[1].slice(0, 7); break;
case 'Minor': noteDict = settings.scales[13].slice(0, 7); break;
default: throw new Error("That's not a real key signature. Come on, man. You're better than this. (valid key signatures are 'Minor', 'Major', or undefined)")
let midTendencyFactor = [10, 7, 4, 0, -5, -10];
let master = 'Online Sequencer:000000:'
function createNote(time, pitch, length, ID) {
master += `${time} ${pitch} ${length} ${ID};`
function randomlyShiftPitch() {
let lowerBound = -noteVarianceFactor + midTendencyFactor[octave-2];
let higherBound = noteVarianceFactor - midTendencyFactor[octave-2];
let offset = Math.round(
(Math.random() * (higherBound - lowerBound) + lowerBound) / 10
note += offset;
while (note > noteDict.length) {
if (octave == 7) {
note = noteDict.length;
} else {
note -= noteDict.length
octave += 1
while (note < 1)
if (octave == 2) {
note = 1
} else {
note += noteDict.length
octave -= 1
const quarterBased = [[0, 2], [1, 3], [0, 1, 2], [0, 2, 3], 0, 2, [0, 3], null],
thirdBased = [0, 8/3, [0, 8/3], [0, 4/3, 8/3]],
riff = [
[0, 1, 2, 3],
[0, 1, 6/3, 8/3, 10/3],
[0/3, 2/3, 4/3, 6/3, 8/3, 10/3],
[0/3, 2/3, 4/3, 2, 3]
// 0/3 and 6/3 are present so the triplets are clearer
riffing = !swing;
let beatCounter = 0, riffChancemaker = 0;
function generateBeat() {
let beatNotes = swing ? thirdBased[(Math.random() * thirdBased.length) | 0] : quarterBased[(Math.random() * quarterBased.length) | 0]
if (beatNotes === null) {
if (Math.round(Math.random())) riffChancemaker += Math.round(Math.random())
if (riffChancemaker == 4) generateRiff();
if (typeof beatNotes == 'object') {
for (let x of beatNotes) {
randomlyShiftPitch(note, octave);
let noteLength = ((x | 0) === x) ? 1 : 2/3;
createNote(x + (beatCounter * 4), `${noteDict[note-1]}${octave}`, noteLength, 0)
} else {
randomlyShiftPitch(note, octave)
let noteLength = ((beatNotes | 0) === beatNotes) ? 1 : 2/3;
createNote(beatNotes + (beatCounter * 4), `${noteDict[note-1]}${octave}`, noteLength, 0)
if (Math.round(Math.random())) riffChancemaker += Math.round(Math.random())
if (riffChancemaker == 4) generateRiff();
function generateRiff() {
if (!riffing) return;
while (riffChancemaker > 0) {
let beatNotes = riff[(Math.random() * riff.length) | 0];
for (let x of beatNotes) {
randomlyShiftPitch(note, octave)
let noteLength = ((x | 0) === x) ? 1 : 2/3;
createNote(x + (beatCounter * 4), `${noteDict[note-1]}${octave}`, noteLength, 0)
riffChancemaker -= 2
beatCounter += 1
if (riffChancemaker < 0) break
while (beatCounter < beatCount) generateBeat();
master += ':'
return master
once you run the function, copy the output and paste it into the sequencer to hear the beautiful random melody
if you run into any issues, DM me